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Samples From Mars Mini From Mars MULTiFORMAT | 1.97 Gb

We sample a lot of synths on this site, and they're mostly vintage, expensive and rare. The Mini isn't any of those things - we chose to sample it because you can get sounds these older synths just aren't capable of. And unlike most of the other modern analog stuff, the Mini isn't trying to mimic anything from the past - it has a completely distinctive voice that's both futuristic and nostalgic.

Somehow this synth is feature packed but feels uncomplicated, versatile and fun. It's a 4 voice VCO analog synth and with 4 LFOs (one per voice) you can get beautiful phase drift. Combine that with cross modulation, pitch modulation, linear FM and motion sequencing and you're on your way to some seriously cool patches (as one user said, it "nails that Detroit sound" quite well). Almost all of the patches we made were created from scratch, with the exception of a small handful of presets (shoutout to Jimmy Edgar) that we modified to taste. We multi-sampled the synth at different filter settings, captured the results of the motion sequencer and utilized all of the voice modes along the way - poly, duo, unison, mono, chord and delay.

Our goal was to provide a rich, analog palette ranging from the simplest, most straight forward patches to the most oddball FX. We used a high end inductor style analog EQ to add more low mids, and incorporated some saturation (solid state and tube) to give an added boost where necessary. Overall this gave us a more "professional" sound than the synth out of the box. Once recorded, we added an extensive amount of programming in Ableton, Kontakt and Logic to give the sounds added depth and modulation possibilities. The demo showcases the variety of vintage and modern sounds this instrument is capable of and includes patch demonstrations from Ableton, Kontakt & Logic.


• 32 Expertly Multi-Sampled Instruments For Ableton, Kontakt, & Logic

• Extensive multi-sampling, modulation and FX routing on all instruments

• Hard Bodied Bass, Epic Pads, Unique Acid, Modern Leads, Wonky FX and more

• Hand trimmed and expertly looped to perfection

• Clean, tape and tube recordings for the greatest depth between patches

从火星迷你从火星繁多样品 |1.97 Gb

我们样品的合成在此站点上,很多,他们大多是老式、 昂贵和稀有。迷你不任何这些东西 — — 我们选择先尝一下,因为你可以得到的声音这些年长的合成器只是没有能力。大多数其他现代模拟东西,迷你不试图模仿任何过去 — — 它有一个完全独特的声音,是未来和怀旧。

不知何故这 synth 是包装的功能,但感觉不复杂、 多才多艺和乐趣。这是一个 4 声音压控振荡器模拟 synth 和与 4 LFOs (声音每一个),你可以得到漂亮的相位漂移。再加上交叉调制,沥青调制,线性调频和运动序列并且你已经被你认真一些降温的修补程序的方式 (作为一个用户说,它"钉子,底特律声音"很好)。几乎所有我们的修补程序创建从零开始,除了少数的预设 (吉米埃德加喊) 我们修改的口味。我们在不同的筛选器设置,synth 捕获的议案音序器结果和利用所有沿途--聚、 垛、 步调一致、 单声道、 弦和延迟模式的声音的多重采样。

我们的目标是提供一个丰富、 模拟的调色板,从最简单、 最直接的修补程序到最古怪 FX。我们用一个高端电感风格模拟情商要添加更多的低 mid,并纳入一些饱和(固态和管),以在必要时添加的强心针。总体而言这给了我们一个更多的"专业"声音比 synth 开箱即用。一旦记录,我们添加大量编程在 Ableton、 开播和逻辑给声音添加深度和调制的可能性。此演示展示各种古董和现代声音这一文书是能够和包括修补程序演示从 Ableton,开播 & 逻辑。


• 32 熟练的多重采样仪器为 Ableton,开播与逻辑

• 广泛的多采样、 调制和 FX 上所有文书的路由

• 硬体低音,史诗垫、 独特的酸、 现代领导、 靠不住的 FX 和更多

• 手修剪和熟练地环形的完美

• 为斑块间的最大深度的清洁,磁带和管录音