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FrozenPlain Slow KONTAKT | 547 Mb

Slow is a library of ambient pads and soundscapes. It features a finely picked selection of sounds that can be blended and morphed with 2 layers. As well as this, Slow has a powerful interface allowing for plenty of customisation. Each sound layer has their own custom LFO's that can modulate multiple parameters allowing for sounds with movement and swell to be created.

Each layer has 4 effect slots, these have the categories Sculpt, Blur and Modify, with each category having a selection of effects available such as; reverb, convolution, tone, filters and distortion. Slow is ideal for cinematic atmospheres or ambient music.

Inspired by Tim Hecker, Boards of Canada, Stars Of The Lid, Oneohtrix Point Never, Mark Pritchard, and Benoit Pioulard, Slow has 62 sounds to choose from. These have been custom made for this library and originate from synthesised, granulated and organic sources. 17 of these sounds are textures, which are designed to blend with melodic sounds. Texture sounds behave slightly differently to regular sounds. They are monophonic rather than polyphonic and work on a ‘first note pressed sustains’ basis. In other words if you play a chord with a texture sound, the first note of the chord that is pressed is the pitch that will be played and will be unchanged until all notes are released. This ensures a consistent backdrop texture sound for when you are playing.

Slow has over 40 main presets that are ready-to-use and display some of the aspects of the Slow engine. As well as these, there are also over 40 starter presets, which are simple patches that demonstrate each of the oscillator sounds. The main 40+ are split into 5 categories, AMB PAD (ambient pad), MDLTN (modulation), TXTR (texture) and XPRMT (experimental). These presets often make use of the powerful LFOs and have a selection of controls assigned to CC1 for extra dynamic modulation. In the Multis folder is a selection of Kontakt multi instruments that feature multiple instances of Slow resulting in full rich pads and textures.

FrozenPlain 慢开播 |547 mb

慢是一个库的环境垫和音景。它的特色精细挑选的声音,可以混合和演变与 2层。不但如此,慢了功能强大的界面,允许大量的定制。每个声音层都有他们自己自定义低频振荡的可以调整多个参数,允许与运动的声音和膨胀要创建。

每一层有 4 个影响插槽,这些有类别造型,模糊和修改,每个类别都有选择的影响可用如;混响、 卷积、 语气、 筛选器和失真。慢是理想的电影气氛或环境音乐。

蒂姆 · 埃克,加拿大议会,星星的盖子,Oneohtrix 点从未受到的启发,马克 · 普里查德和 Benoit Pioulard、 慢有 62 的声音可供选择。这些已经自定义此库和合成、颗粒状和有机来源。17 这些声音是旨在与旋律的声音混合的纹理。纹理的声音听起来经常行为稍有不同。他们都是单声道的而不是复调和工作在 '第一次注意到,按下维持' 的基础上。换句话说如果你玩纹理声音的共鸣,按弦的第一个音符是球场将发挥和将保持不变,直到所有的笔记被释放为止。当你玩的时候,这可以确保声音一致背景纹理。

慢已准备好使用超过 40 主要预设和显示某些方面的缓慢的引擎。除了这些,还有超过 40 的起动器预设,是简单的修补程序,展示每一振荡器声音。40 + 的主要分为 5个类别,磁悬浮轴承垫 (空气垫),MDLTN (调制)、 TXTR (质地) 和 XPRMT(实验)。这些预设往往使使用的功能强大的 LFOs 和有选择的控件分配给 CC1 额外动态调制。中尺度文件夹是选择功能的缓慢导致完全的丰富垫和纹理的多个实例的开播多文书。