Duration 2h 36m Project Files Included MP4
Photoshop CC Working with Filters
If you’ve ever poked around in the filter menu within Photoshop, you probably noticed there are dozens upon dozens of filters. In this course,
Photoshop CC: Working with Filters, you’re going to see how filters work on a fundamental level. You will learn how to work with filters destructively and non-destructively. You’ll also discover how to create amazing transformations by using multiple filters. Photoshop has several powerful filters specifically for photographers, and you’re going to take
a look at each one of them and how they work. You will even learn how to composite objects quickly and easily into 3D spaces. This course will also
cover the filters necessary to create realistic-looking fire. By the end of this course, you will have a solid understanding of both how and when it is best to use Photoshop filters. Software required: Photoshop CC 2015.
持续时间 2 h 36 m 项目文件包括的 MP4
使用筛选器的 Photoshop CC
如果你已经过周围戳在 Photoshop 中的滤镜菜单中,您可能注意到有成百上千的筛选器。在此过程中,
Photoshop CC︰ 使用筛选器,你要看看如何筛选器工作在一个基本的水平上。您将学习如何使用筛选器破坏性和非破坏性。你也会发现如何通过使用多个筛选器创建令人惊叹的转换。Photoshop 提供了几个强大的过滤功能专门为摄影师,和你要采取
看看每一个他们和它们是如何工作。你甚至将学习如何向复合物体快速、 轻松地进入 3D 空间。本课程还将
包括创建逼真的火焰所需的筛选器。通过这门课程结束时,你会了解如何以及何时是最好使用 Photoshop 滤镜。所需软件︰ Photoshop CC 2015。