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FrozenPlain Colourform v2.0 KONTAKT | 325 Mb

Colourform is a Kontakt 5 sample library of picturesque organic sounds. The library explores the link between sound and colour offering a unique inspirational experience. Each patch features 12 different sounds, that are each assigned a colour. These can then be blended and mixed in real time to produce new colours. Rather than standard knobs and sliders, this concept allows for a more visual link between what you see and what you hear.

Colourform is a Kontakt 5.1 sample library designed for making atmospheric and unusual sounds in a different way. Rather than standard sliders and knobs, Colourform uses colours to blend sounds. The core of the Colourform engine is the 3 unique colour wheels which are similar to oscillators in a synth. Using these controls creating new sounds is incredibly easy. The 112 sounds of Colourform are wide atmospheric recordings from abstract sources, such as pitchforks, glass bowls, creaky gates, spanners, rain and thunder, fire, water, miscellaneous metal, CRT screens, bowed glass and plucked strings.

Colourform has recently been updated to version 2.0. It features drastic improvements to the voice handling meaning it is better on your CPU. It also includes a whole new panel that contains ADSR, filter and volume controls for each individual layer. On top of that, Colourform now uses the FrozenPlain Effects Engine which offers 13 effects such as arpeggiator, chorus, phaser, reverb, atmoise and scatter (granular synth FX) and more. Finally, version 2.0 also has dozens more presets resulting in a total of 76 .NKI files. These are are great starting point for your colourful sound design.


• 19 core patches, each with 12 layers of sound.

• 76 total .NKI patches (57 presets)

• Unique visual inspirational experience.

• Blend 6 sounds together at once.

• Atmospheric sounds made from abstract sources: pitchforks, glass bowls, creaky gates, spanners, rain and thunder, fire, water, miscellaneous metal, crt screens, bowed glass and plucked strings.

• Randomise for musical outcomes.

• Save presets.

• Morph all colour wheels with the modwheel

FrozenPlain Colourform v2.0 开播 |325 mb

Colourform 是风景如画的有机声音开播 5 样本库。图书馆探讨声音和颜色将提供一个独特的励志经验之间的联系。每个修补程序功能 12 不同的声音,,每个分配一种颜色。这些然后可以混合和混合实时产生新的颜色。而不是标准的旋钮和滑块,这个概念可以更直观联系你看到了什么,你听到了什么。

Colourform 是为使大气和不寻常的声音在以不同的方式设计一个开播 5.1 样品库。而不是标准的滑块和旋钮,Colourform 使用颜色混合的声音。Colourform 引擎的核心是 3 的独特的色彩车轮的都是类似于在合成器中的振荡器。使用这些控件创建新的声音是非常容易的。Colourform 的 112 声音都是宽大气录音从抽象的来源,干草、 玻璃碗、 吱吱嘎嘎的盖茨、 扳手、 风雨雷电,火,水,杂项金属、 CRT 屏幕,弯的玻璃、 弹拨的乐等。

Colourform 最近已经更新到 2.0 版。它的特点意味着它会对你的 CPU 更好的语音处理大幅改善。它还包括全新的面板,其中包含为每个单独的层 ADSR、 筛选器和音量控制。最重要的是,Colourform 现在使用 FrozenPlain 影响引擎提供 13 效果如琶音器、 合唱、 相位、 混响、 atmoise 和散点图 (颗粒 synth FX) 和更多。最后,2.0 版也有几十个更多的预置的 76 共导致。NKI 文件。这些都是很棒你色彩缤纷的声音设计的起点。


• 19 核心修补程序,每个都有 12 层的声音。

• 76 总。NKI 补丁 (57 预设值)

• 独特的视觉灵感体验。

• 融合 6 声音立刻在一起。

• 大气声音由抽象来源︰ 干草,玻璃碗,吱吱嘎嘎的盖茨、 扳手、 风雨雷电,火,水,杂项金属、 crt 屏幕,弯的玻璃和弹拨的乐。

• 随机音乐结局。

• 保存预设。

• 变形与 modwheel 的所有颜色轮子。