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Undrgrnd Sounds Analogue Techno WAV REX AiFF | 1.65 Gb

From the ambient and dubbed-out to the hard-hitting and utilitarian, this wide-ranging pack is an analogue exploration of all things techno. Channeling inspiration from techno luminaries as varied as the Belleville Three and Basic Channel to James Holden and Matthew Johnson, Analogue Techno is all about rich, emotive and evolving electronics which move the body and mind in equal measure.

We’ve got techno running through our veins so there was no way we weren’t doing this right. Studio packed with analogue gear? Check. Stacks of old records to mine for inspiration? Yep. Six months blocked out on the calendar to get this thing made. You bet. So here it is: 1.16GB of pummelling and precise drum patterns, driving bass grooves, esoteric synth explorations, ambient pads, textures and rush-inducing FX created with the the finest synths and outboard processing to take your techno to another level.

Drums > Banks of precision-engineered beats spanning monolithic big room grooves to intricate glitch-laden grooves - plus additional folders of gritty and trippy percussive grooves, detailed hi-end layers and hundreds of formidably engineered drum hits.

Bass > Fat, fuzzy analogue grooves oozing menace and momentum. Key information provided in the filenames.

Synths > Twisted arpeggios, celestial synths, processed percussive leads, ominous mono runs and more: pure analogue earworms dripping with inspiration.

Pads & Textures > Lush and complex soundscapes, evolving and layered synth textures, atmospheric ambiences. Key information included.

FX > Assorted hits, bleeps, glitches and sweeps to take your techno to another dimension.


678 x 24bit Wav loops

387 x 24bit one-shots / 5 custom-kits

488 x Rex2 files

488 x Apple Loops

Undrgrnd 声音模拟技术 WAV 雷克斯 AiFF |1.65 Gb

从环境和被称为出强硬和功利,这广泛的包是所有东西技术模拟探索。窜灵感来自技术名人一样多变的贝尔维尔三和詹姆斯 · 霍尔顿和马修 · 约翰逊的基本通道,模拟技术是所有关于丰富、 情绪化和不断变化的电子移动身体和心灵在同等程度的。

我们有技术贯穿我们的血管里,所以没有办法,我们不做这项权利。挤满了模拟齿轮的工作室吗?检查。栈的旧记录我的灵感吗?是啊。在要把这件事做的日历上划出的六个月。你打赌。就在这里︰ 1.16 GB 的席卷和精确的鼓模式,驱动低音槽、 深奥 synth 探索、 空气垫,纹理和拉什诱导 FX 创建与最好的合成器和舷外加工采取你的技术到另一个层次。

鼓 > 的精密设计银行跳动跨越单片大房沟槽至复杂故障载货的沟槽-再加上详细的喜端层、 坚韧不拔和幻觉的撞击式槽和数以百计的聪颖工程的鼓打的其他文件夹。

低音 > 脂肪、 模糊模拟的凹槽渗出的威胁和动量。提供将文件名中的关键信息。

Synth > 扭曲琶音,天体的合成器,处理撞击式潜在顾客、 不祥的单声道运行和更多︰ 纯模拟的幻听,淌着灵感。

垫 & 纹理 > 郁郁葱葱的和复杂的音景、 演变和分层 synth 纹理、 大气的气息。包含的关键信息。

FX > 什锦命中、 哔、 故障和清洁工,你的技术带到另一个维度。


678 x 24 位 Wav 循环

387 x 24 位一个镜头 / 5 自定义工具包

488 x Rex2 文件

488 x 苹果循环