CG数据库 >> Revit结构工程师简介


Duration 3h 37m Project Files Included MP4

Introduction to Revit for Structural Engineers


Have you heard of Revit but never had the time or resources to learn how to use it? This course, Introduction to Revit for Structural Engineers, will bring you up to speed and help you to create better buildings. First, you will learn how to model simple structural elements and more real-life complex examples. Next, you will discover how to use Revit as a Building Information Modeling tool. Finally, you will learn about design options and you will learn to present clear, clean, crisp drawing sets that you can be proud of. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll not only have modeled a sports stadium, but you will also have the skills to model real-life projects in your office. Software required: Autodesk Revit (2017 preferred).

持续时间 3 h 37 米项目文件包括的 MP4

结构工程师 Revit 简介


你听说过 Revit 但从来没有时间或资源来学习如何使用它?本课程,介绍 Revit 结构工程师,将带给你加速,并帮助您创建更好的建筑。首先,您将学习如何建模简单结构元素和更多的现实生活复杂的例子。接下来,你会发现如何使用 Revit 作为建筑信息建模的工具。最后,您将学习如何设计选项,您将学习如何呈现清晰、 干净、 清爽的绘图集,你可以感到骄傲。当您完成本课程,你不只会模仿一个体育场,但也可以将技能来模拟真实生活项目在你的办公室。所需软件︰ 欧特克 Revit (2017 首选)。