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Natural Light Portrait Photography With Any Camera

MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 1.5 Hours | Lec: 13 | 1.04 GB

Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Portrait Photography - Learn how to take compelling images with any camera in any lighting situation

Who Am I?

Hi, my name is Mark Timberlake and I have been a commercial photographer for over 6 years and in this course I will share the simple techniques that commercial photographers use in demanding, high pressure environments, to get portraits that tell a story using the light they have available… fast!

Beautiful Portraits

We are going to show you how to take beautiful portraits just using the light available, so it does not matter where you are and no matter what the conditions are, you will be able to take compelling images that will wow your family and friends.

Use Natural & Artificial Light

That is both natural light and artificial light outdoors and indoors, so you will learn how to use any light source in your photography and still get interesting and powerful images.

Once you have been through this course you will be able to create compelling and powerful portraits quickly and easily and will understand why you are getting the images that you are capturing and why they work so well.

No Mumbo Jumbo

All of this with as little technical mumbo jumbo as is humanly possible, you can take this course with any camera, so it does not matter if you have a mobile phone, a compact camera or DSLR, this course will help you get the best out of your camera.

Elements Covered:

Here are the elements that will be covered in the course:

Learn what equipment you will need for this course.

Understand the difference between hard light and soft light.

Learn how to use soft light outdoors and soft light indoors.

You will also learn how to use hard light outdoors and soft light indoors.

We will cover how to choose your backgrounds and how to pose your subjects.

All of this in as simple language as possible!


MP4 |视频︰ AVC 1280 x 720 |音频︰ AAC 44 KHz 2 通道 |持续时间︰ 1.5 小时 |Lec:13 |1.04 GB

类型︰ 电子学习 |语言︰ 英语



嗨,我的名字叫马克贾斯汀和有了 6 年的一名商业摄影师还有在这个过程中我将分享商业摄影师在苛刻,高压环境中使用的简单技术要告诉一个故事使用光的画像他们可用......快 !





一旦你已经通过本课程,您将能够快速、 轻松地创建令人信服和强大的肖像和将明白为什么你的图像,您要捕获和为什么他们的工作这么好。


这一切都随着作为小技术胡言乱语是力所能及,你可以与任何相机,所以没关系,如果你有一部手机、 相机或单反这门课程,本课程将帮助您获得最佳的出你的相机。








所有这些都在为尽可能简单的语言 !