CG数据库 >> 音效下载Push Button Bang RAWR! - WTF Party Sounds WAV

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Push Button Bang RAWR! - WTF Party Sounds WAV | 604 Mb

Get ready to get RAWR, with an absolutely huge collection of amazing PARTY SOUNDS for modern dubstep trap, future bass and party EDM. Taking inspiration from the likes of Getter, Bogore, Skrillex, Marshmello, Virtual riot, Wiwek, Datsik, Must die!… and more, this incredible, high octane collection delivers OVER 1800, MODERN PARTY SOUNDS to shake any system to the core!

Whats in the pack


The modulation platte consists of over a thousand jump up bass , tearing synth, arp, chord and twisted vocal loops, spliced. melded and cut into rhythmic patterns, that can be all be used separately or together to CREATE AMAZING WTF, BASS AND SYNTH MELODIES AND CUTLINES!

Bass synth lead cuts, mixed with vocal shouts screams synth robots devils demons breath, chord chops, all modulated with myriad envelope shapes at half double and triple time, woven together into mix ready sections, in 2bar, 1bar, 1/2bar, 1/4bar and 1/16bar sections.

All at 140 bpm and with the same root note ,A. Which means you can combine anything together any kind of WTF bass/lead/melody line in seconds or use as small touches inside your synth melody to provide those crucial wtf cut moments!


Original had bar pre drop fills featuring a mix of recorded and programmed tom and snare patterns,

perfect for incidental transitions and BIG PRE-DROP MOMENTS!. All at 140 bpm and cut perfectly.


Industry standard, MIX READ IMPACTS, NOISE UPLIFTERS AND DOWNLIFTERS, making creating rich, professional effect background parts as simple and quick as it gets.

Foley percussion featuring a range of mouth sounds and bizarre natural instruments for an interesting wtf touches!

Long and short wtf sound shots for adding an unusual, unique synth element into the pattern.


All on point with the genre, ALL MIX READ AND SOLID AS F&*K, a huge selection of the fattest kicks, tightest snares, sharpest hats, and roundest toms. Selected in the style of

Plus a large selection of flam percussion and flam snares, made popular by the likes of JACK U etc.

按下按钮浜 RAWR !-WTF 方声音 WAV |604 mb

准备好去 RAWR,跟现代 dubstep 陷阱,未来低音的惊人方声音绝对巨大集合和党的电火花加工。以灵感来自喜欢的吸气剂、 Bogore、 Skrillex、 Marshmello,虚拟防暴,Wiwek,Datsik,必须死 !......和更多,这令人难以置信,高辛烷值集合提供了超过 1800 年,现代方声音摆脱任何系统的核心 !


1030 的循环模式

普拉特组成的调制超过一千跳起低音,撕裂 synth、 arp、 和弦和扭曲的声乐循环,拼接。合并后,切成的节奏模式,那可以是所有用于单独或一起到创建惊人跆拳道,低音和 SYNTH 旋律和 CUTLINES !

低音 synth 铅切块,拌以弦排骨,所有调制与无数信封形状在半双和三拍子,声乐的叫喊声尖叫 synth 机器人恶魔恶魔呼吸 1/4bar 和 1/16 条形部分入混合准备好的部分,在条共 2 条,1 巴,1 条/共 2 条,交织在一起。

所有 140 bpm,具备相同的根音符,A.这意味着你可以结合任何任何种类的 WTF 低音/铅/旋律线在几秒钟内,或者使用作为小触动您 synth 旋律里面提供那些关键 wtf切的时刻 !

120 鼓填充


为附带转换和大前滴时刻完美 !。所有在 140 bpm 和完美切割。

200 FX 声音

行业标准,混读的影响噪声 UPLIFTERS 和 DOWNLIFTERS,使尽可能简单和快速创建丰富、 专业效果背景部分,因为它获取。

Foley 打击乐提供一系列的嘴里的声音和奇异自然手段为有趣的 wtf 触动 !

长期和短期 wtf 声拍摄模式中加入不寻常、 独特的合成元素。

360 鼓的声音

所有关于点与体裁,所有混合读和固体 AS F & * K,胖踢、 严密网罗、 幅度最大的帽子和圆汤姆斯的一个巨大的选择。在样式中选择

再加上火焰打击乐和火焰陷阱大选择,由流行喜欢的杰克 U 等。