8Dio Studio Sopranos KONTAKT | 1.58 Gb
8Dio Studio Sopranos mark the beginning of a new generation in choir sampling. The sound flows from intimate and detailed to soaring and epic. Produced by Emmy Nominated composer, Colin O’Malley, the Studio Sopranos instrument was created with 9 sopranos, recorded in separate “divisis” of 3. Composers have individual control over each of the 3 divisi groups, offering great flexibility in section size and character.
The Studio Sopranos also proudly feature our new “Polyphonic Phrase Legato” : a truly groundbreaking advance in realism for choral writing. Forgoing traditional sampling methodology of fragmented work builders, polyphonic phrase legato allows you to write freely, while still harnessing the true annunciation flow of a live choir.
Our true legato instruments feature a new level of emotional realism, with a true sense of the sopranos soaring and reaching for each note. Speed control allows composers to customize the interval transitions to cover writing at a variety of tempos. The layer of the 3 divisis provides a true 3 dimensional sense of a live choir at your fingertip. Dynamic Arcs provide an endless bed of inspiring pads and sketching tools. They can be used on their own, or as supporting voices for our Multi Vowels or True Legato instruments. They are the exact opposite of a lifeless sustain, and will bring true emotional realism to your virtual choir. Our Staccato and Marcato articulations showcase a punchier epic side of the soprano voice. Pushing things further with our articulation sequencer, custom chains and phrases can be created to trigger effortlessly.
8Dio 工作室女高音开播 |1.58 Gb
8Dio 工作室黑道家族标志新一代在采样的唱诗班的开始。声音从体内流出,和详细的飙升和史诗。由艾美奖提名的作曲家,科林 · 奥马利工作室女高音仪器成立 9 女高音,记录在单独的"divisis"的 3。作曲家们单独控制每个 3 的审判庭,群体,提供极大的灵活性,在截面尺寸和字符。
工作室女高音也自豪地功能我们新"复调短语连音 》: 现实主义的合唱写作的真正突破性进展。放弃传统采样方法的零碎的工作建设者,复调短语 legato 允许您编写自由,同时仍利用真正的天使报喜流唱诗班的活。
我们真正的 legato 仪器功能与真正意义上的女高音飙升和伸手去拿每个音符的真实的感情流露,一个新的水平。速度控制允许自定义间隔过渡,涵盖多种节奏变化写作的作曲家。3 divisis 层提供真正的活在你的指尖合唱团 3 维意识。动态弧提供无尽的鼓舞人心的垫和素描工具床。他们可以使用他们自己,或作为我们多元音或真实 Legato 的文书支持的声音。他们是毫无生气的维持,正好相反,将带来真正的情感现实主义您虚拟的合唱团。我们断奏和幸运者的关节展示女高音声音两一面史诗。推事进一步与我们铰接音序器,自定义链和短语可以创建以触发不费吹灰之力。