CG数据库 >> 音效下载Djsh Music Private Collection + AXiA KONTAKT

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Djsh Music Private Collection + AXiA KONTAKT | 1.07 Gb

Private Collection. A hybrid synth/sound design library original started as my own private collection of instruments to help aid me on the array of projects I was working on, but has now become a powerful tool for modern composers, delivered with all new sounds.

Featuring instruments that can be used across a broad range of genres while incorporating many functions of the Photosynthesis engine by Jeremiah Pena with a DJSH graphical facelift.

Crafted using analog synths, organic recordings and lots of processing, this library boasts both fat analog low end and gritty digital timbres! Taking full advantage of the Photosynthesis engine with features such as custom rhythmic sequencing and the ability to mix, blend and manipulate layers to your taste. A perfect companion to the AXIA library, delivering the same high quality of sounds but with NO loops in sight!” - David J. St-Hill

Instrument Categories:

• Bass.

• Leads/Keys.

• Pads/Scapes.

• Percussive Rhythms.

• Tonal Rhythms.

佔多数音乐私家藏书 + 侧面开播 |1.07 Gb



精雕细琢使用模拟合成、 有机录音和大量的处理,此库拥有脂肪模拟低端和坚韧不拔的数字音色 !充分利用光合作用引擎功能,例如自定义有节奏的测序和混合,混合和操作层合你的口味的能力。完美的伴侣到侧面库,提供相同的高质量的声音,但不包含循环在望 !"-大卫 · 圣山


• 低音。

• 潜在顾客/键。

• 垫/花葶。

• 敲击节奏。

• 色调的节奏。