CG数据库 >> 音效下载SoundBits Just Chains WAV

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SoundBits Just Chains WAV | 1.29 Gb

As you’ve probably guessed from the title, this SFX library is all about metal chain sound effects. Various sizes of chains were pulled, dropped, shaken, rattled, whipped, hung, dangled and jingled. These sounds could come in handy for a wide range of purposes like morning star swings / whips, coin ringing, chain metal armor movements, hoists, addons for footstep movements and many more. So if you’re after any kind of metal chain sounds, this SFX library is one to get!

As the name says, here you will find a huge collection of metal chain sound effects. Different kinds and sizes of chains were hit, pulled, dropped, shaken, rattled, whipped and hung up and jingled. Some examples for the usage of those sounds are: morning star swings / whips, horror ambiences, Treasure chest digging, money bags, gold coins, any kind of metal chain movements, metal chain hoists, footsteps/movement add-ons (e.g. chain mails), and many more… These sounds also suite perfect as sound design elements for e.g. impact. No matter if it’s your Video-Game -or Movie-Project whenever there is a jingling metal chain sound needed … you’ll find it here.

SoundBits 只是链 WAV |1.29 Gb

你可能已经猜到了从标题,此 SFX 库都是金属链的声音效果。各种尺寸的链被拉扯、 下降、 动摇、 慌乱、 鞭打、 挂、 摇晃和叮当作响。这些声音可以派上用场的多种用途像晨星波动 / 鞭子,投币式响,链金属盔甲运动、 卷扬机、 脚步动作的插件和更多。所以如果你在任何一种金属链的声音后,此 SFX 库是一个去 !

正如名字所说,在这里你会发现大量的金属链音效收藏。不同品种、 规格的链被击中、 拉扯、 下降、 动摇、 慌乱、 鞭打和挂和叮当作响。使用这些声音的一些示例有︰ 晨星波动 / 鞭子,恐怖气息,宝胸部挖,袋钱,金币,任何一种金属链运动、金属环链、 脚步/运动加载项 (例如链式邮件) 和更多...这些声音还套房完美作为完善的设计元素,例如影响。不管是你的视频游戏-或电影项目只要声音叮当作响的金属链需要......你会在这里找到它。