Title: Gumroad – Substance Painter To Vray: The Complete Workflow
In this course I cover the complete workflow to take assets textured in Substance Painter and accurately represent them using Vray renderer.
This course is aimed at both beginners and more experienced users who want a hassle-free A-B workflow with no guesswork or hacking involved.
Although in the course I use 3dsMax/Vray the workflow is pretty much the same for the other offline renderers:Arnold/Corona/Redshift/etc (which Painter has presets for) as most of the offline renderer maps/channels are very similar, if not the same.
The course consists of 6 parts, and 2 short bonus videos, totaling 70mins of real-time instruction.
标题︰ Gumroad — — 物质画家对 Vray︰ 完整的工作流程
在这个过程中我覆盖完整的工作流程,采取资产在物质画家纹理并准确地代表他们使用 Vray 渲染器。
本课程针对初学者和有经验的用户想要免麻烦 A B 具有无需猜测或黑客所涉及的工作流。
虽然在过程中我用 3dsMax/Vray 工作流差不多其他脱机渲染︰ 阿诺德/电晕,红移,等 (其中画家有预设为) 的离线渲染器地图/渠道大多是非常相似,如果不是相同。
这个课程包括 6 个部分,和 2 短奖金为录影带,总计 70mins 的实时指令。