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Samples From Mars DX100 From Mars MULTiFORMAT | 1.72 Gb

The Yamaha DX100 is a miniature FM synth from the mid 80s. It's similar in sound to the famous DX7 but grittier and tougher, due to its overdrive-able DAC. In fact, it has a similar vibe to the SP-1200. It is the sound of early Detroit techno (specifically the Solid Bass patch), Roger Troutman's talkbox (the Hard Brass patch), countless 80s Lynch-esc soundtracks, hotel lounge vibes and so much more.

Because of the nature of FM synthesis, the DX100 is capable of many sounds that analog subtractive synthesis simply is not: hard bodied bass, dirty FM rhodes, fake brass, Seinfeld bass, metallic bells, clavinets, helicopters, bird chirping and more. So if you've been collecting all sorts of analog sounds the DX will really stand apart and cut through your mix in the best way possible. Plus you can add a strap, play it like a keytar, and look like a boss.


• 40 Multi-Sampled DX100 Instruments for Ableton, Kontakt, Logic & 24bit WAV

• Gritty 90s Techno Bass, Sine Bass, Marimba Bass, Synthe Bass & More

• FM rhodes, Clavinet, Harpischord, Pan Flute, Soft Horns, Jazzy Organ & More

• Bird Chirping, Bells, Helicopters, Snare & More

• Extensive multi-sampling of various FM synthesis parameters

• Hand trimmed and looped to perfection

• Clean and tube saturated recordings for the greatest depth between patches

样品从火星繁多的火星 DX100 |1.72 Gb

雅马哈 DX100 是从 80 年代中期的微型 FM 合成。它是著名的 DX7 的声音相似但励志和强硬,由于其超速档能 DAC。事实上,它已经有点类似到 SP 1200。这是早期底特律 techno (特别结实的低音修补程序),罗杰 · 特劳特曼 talkbox (硬黄铜 patch),无数 80 后的声音林奇 esc 配乐、 酒店休息室共鸣和更多。

由于调频合成性质,DX100 是能够模拟减法合成简单不是的很多声音︰ 努力饱满的低音,脏的 FM 罗兹,假黄铜、 宋飞低音、 金属铃铛、 clavinets、 直升机、 鸟啁啾和更多。所以如果你一直在收集各种模拟声音,DX 真的分开站,穿过你的组合以最好的方式可能。再加上你可以添加一个带、 玩像 keytar,和看起来像一位老板。


• 40 multi-Sampled DX100 仪器为 Ableton,开播,逻辑 & 24 位 WAV

• 坚韧不拔 90 年代技术低音,正弦低音、 木琴低音、 合成低音 & 更多

• FM 罗兹,Clavinet,Harpischord,箫、 软角,爵士器官及更多

• 鸟啁啾,钟声、 直升机、 网罗 & 更多

• 广泛的多取样的 FM 合成的各种参数

• 手修剪和环形的完美

• 清洁和管之间的修补程序的最大深度饱和的录音