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Loopmasters Trap Drift MULTiFORMAT | 986 Mb

Loopmasters present Trap Drift - a chilled-out collection of melodic Trap samples with Elevating Pads, Sleek Basslines, Punchy Drums and Glistening Arpeggios! Get the latest in colourful melodic Trap from Loopmasters, provided 100% royalty free for your productions.

Trap Drift features over 1.3Gb of content with Loops, One Shots and Multi-Samples primed and formatted for your favourite DAW. Featuring Drums, Bass, FX and a myriad of Musical samples, you’ll have the sounds you need to go on a snow capped journey! Trap Drift brings you a host of lush Musical elements including Pads, Leads, Synths, Vocals, Organs, Arpeggios, Plucks, Guitars, Chords, Keys and Stabs, waiting to be uncovered or built upon. Drums come in Full Drums, Tops, Kick & Snare and No Kick versions, making it easy to build your own ice-cool glacier of Beats from the ground up! Lush 808 Bases and shape-shifting FX ensure you have the highs and lows covered at all times.

249 One Hit samples are included with 113 sampler patches pre-formatted for your DAW of choice – enabling you to add your own melodic flavour with these expansive sounds. With 10 Drum Kits, 40 Synth patches, over 70 MIDI Loops, 6 Massive Presets and 6 multi-sampled instruments to play immediately - you’ll find content for your productions to last until the next ice age! As always, musical content is key-labelled to get you’re your creative flow switched on. At between 110-140BPM Trap Drift gives you chilled out vibes for the winter season – perfect for Trap, Chillout, Ambient, Downtempo House and many other genres. In detail expect to find 1.37Gb of content with 557 individual 24-Bit Wav files. 308 Loops are included with 43 Bass Loops, 40 Full Drums, 40 No Kick Loops, 22 Kick & Snare Loops, 79 Top & Perc Loops, 10 FX Loops and 74 Music Loops [8 Pads, 15 Leads, 10 Synths, 6 Vox, 1 Organ, 12 Arps, 7 Plucks, 1 Guitar, 8 Chords, 4 Keys and 2 Stabs]. 249 One hits include 46 Bass Hits, 70 Drum Hits [11 Hats, 20 Kicks, 20 Snares and 18 Percs], 31 FX Hits, 46 Synth Hits and 6 Multi Sampled Instruments [54 Samples]. Also included are 6 Massive Presets, 39 MIDI Bass Loops, 17 MIDI Chord Loops and 18 MIDI Music Loops. 331 Rex2 Loops and 113 Sampler Patches are included for NNXT, Halion, Kontakt, SFZ and Exs24. This pack is available in multiple formats, see tech specs for more details.

Loopmasters 陷阱漂移繁多 |986 mb

Loopmasters 目前陷阱漂移-与提升垫、 圆滑低音贝斯柔和、 简洁有力的鼓声和闪闪发光的琶音的旋律陷阱样品冷冻出集合 !从 Loopmasters,提供 100%的版税免费为你的作品在色彩缤纷的旋律陷阱中获取最新信息。

补漏白 1.3 Gb 以上的内容与循环、 一个镜头、 多样品准备和格式化为你最喜欢的昂山的漂移特征。具有鼓,低音,FX 和无数的音乐的样品,你会有你需要去路上白雪皑皑的声音 !陷阱漂移为您带来了郁郁葱葱的音乐元素,包括垫、 潜在顾客、 合成器、 人声、 器官、 琶音、 敷女,采桑、 吉他、 和弦、 钥匙和刺伤,等待被发现或建基于主机。鼓进来的充分鼓,上衣,踢 & 网罗和没有踢的版本,因此很容易建立从地面拍你自己冰冰凉凉冰川 !郁郁葱葱的 808 基地和形状移 FX 确保你有高潮和低谷覆盖在所有的时间。

249 一打样品包括有 113 取样器补丁预先格式化的选择 — — 使您能够添加自己旋律风味与这些膨胀的声音你昂。10 鼓包、 40 Synth 补丁、 超过 70 MIDI 循环、 6 大规模预设与 6 的多重采样仪器立刻-玩你会发现内容为你的作品到最后直到下一个冰河世纪 !与往常一样,音乐内容是关键-贴上标签,得到你接通你创造性能量流。在之间 110 140BPM 陷阱漂移给你冻出共鸣了冬季 — — 完美的陷阱,Chillout、 环境、 Downtempo 房子和许多其他流派。详细期望的 557 单个 24 位 Wav 文件找到1.37 Gb 的内容。308 循环所附带 43 低音循环,40 满鼓,40 不踢循环,22 79 踢 &网罗循环顶部 & Perc 循环、 10 FX 循环和 74 音乐循环 [8 垫、 15 潜在顾客、 10 Synth,6 Vox、 1 器官、 12 Arps,7 敷女,采桑、 1 吉他、 8 和弦、 4 个键和 2 刺伤]。249 一个点击包括 46 低音命中、 70 鼓点击 [11 帽子、 20、 20 网罗拳打脚踢18 Perc]、 31 FX 命中、 46 Synth 命中 6 多采样文书 [54 个样本中]。此外包括了 6个大规模预置、 39 MIDI 低音循环、 17 MIDI 和弦循环和 18 MIDI 音乐循环。还包括 NNXT、 Halion、 开播,SFZ 和 Exs24 331 Rex2 循环和 113 取样器补丁。此包是可用在多种格式中,看到更多的细节的技术规格。