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音效下载Homegrown Sounds Cassetto v1.2 KONTAKT的图片1

Homegrown Sounds Cassetto v1.2 KONTAKT | 440 Mb

The idea behind Cassetto was to create a synthesizer which has an old and slightly faulty sound as well as a fairly fixed yet interesting architecture. The end result is a synth with it’s own character and capable of some very unique tones. Although Kontakt is often used for complex samples, Cassetto uses sampled oscillators so that it is a true synthesizer and all sounds are constructed in the same way as any other subtractive synth, it comes with 200 presets with more to come, however it is also a synth that invites you to make your own.

2 Oscillators with both multi-sampled cassette sampled sound and single cycle Waveforms (100 selections in total)

Noise Oscillator sampled from Tape

Unstable for warbling the oscillator pitch

Dual Filters with a large choice of filter types

Parallel Filters or One for each Oscillator

3 LFOs with 30 selectable Waveforms, LFO1/2 reset on note on, LFO3 is free running

Random LFO for the Filters

Filter Envelope for the Cutoff, Pitch and Optional Volume of Oscillator 2

VCA Envelope for Volume Control

Envelope 3 assignable to Resonance LFO1 speed and LFO 3 level

Reverb with 50 Impulse Responses


Modulator with a choice from Chorus, Flanger or Phaser

Versatile Arpeggiator with Sequencers for various parameters plus 6 Modulation Sequencers

various Chord Modes for the Arpeggiator

Preset Browser with the ability to save presets

Global Randomizer and Default, with the ability to save you own Default preset

Scale Re-Mapper with 78 Scales

Section Default and Randomizer buttons

over 300 Presets

Cassetto updated to v1.2:

Added Filter Swap Button which exchanges the settings of the filters

Added Buttons to assign LFO→Volume amounts to pitch instead

Sequencer Lights now switch off when no notes are playing

Added LFO Sync Mode

Added Advanced Panel with extra controls for FX

Added LFO3 with destinations for Resonance 1 & 2, Filter 1 & 2 and LFO1 Frequency

Added ENV3 with destinations for Resonance 1 & 2, Filter 1 & 2, LFO1 Frequency and LFO3 Level.

No Purge Option added (‘P’ next to ‘D’ in the master section

Oscillator Waves now have a randomizer each

Improved delay contamination when changing presets

Some sliders can now have negative values so that 0 is the centre, a black mark at the centre of the scale shows this.

本土的声音 Cassetto v1.2 开播 |440 mb

Cassetto 背后的想法是创建一个合成器,具有老和轻微故障的声音相当固定,内容又有趣的建筑。最终的结果是合成器中与它自己的性格和能力的一些非常独特的色调。虽然开播经常用于复杂样品,Cassetto 使用采样的振荡器,它是真正的集大成者和所有的声音都构建在任何其他消减 synth 相同的方式,它配备了 200 个预置更多的来,然而它也是邀请你做出你自己的单体。

2 振荡器的多重采样盒式采样声音与单周期波形 (总共 100 选择)





30 可选波形,LFO1/2 上注记,重置 3 LFOs LFO3 是自由奔跑


筛选器信封用于切断、 沥青和可选的振荡器 2 卷

音量控制的 VCA 信封

赋值给共振 LFO1 速度和低频振荡 3 级的第三个信封

混响与 50 的冲激响应


选择从合唱、 镶边或相位调制器

多才多艺的琶音器音序器的各种参数加 6 调制音序器




78 鳞片规模重新映射器


超过 300 预设

Cassetto 更新到 v1.2:


添加的按钮分配 LFO→Volume 量反而推销


添加的 LFO 同步模式

FX 的额外控件添加高级面板

添加的 LFO3 与共振 1 & 2、 过滤器 1 & 2 和 LFO1 频率的目的地

添加的 ENV3 与共振 1 & 2、 过滤器 1 & 2、 LFO1 频率和 LFO3 水平的目的地。

没有清除的选项添加 (下一步的 'P' 了' 主一节中



一些滑块现在可以有负值,0 是中心,中心规模的黑色标记显示这。