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123Creative Epic Drums Bundle WAV | 0.97 GB

Welcome to the EPIC DRUMS BUNDLE - a collection of every drum one-shot samples we have EVER made!

Drum sounds for every genre of electronic music!! Regardless of what genre(s) of electronic music you produce, you will find the right drum sounds for your track(s) in this pack - everytime. From classic to modern, downtempo to drum and bass - it's all here. This pack contains all the drum one-shot sounds you could ever need and is an absolute must have collection of drums for all music producers!

All Sounds In This Pack Have Been Professionally Recorded, Edited and Processed.

This collection spans 20+ years of sound design.


Epic Drums Bundle includes three categories of drum samples:

• Classic Drums (9 622 sounds)

• Nu-School Drums (3 282 sounds)

• Bonus Unreleased drums (554 sounds).

Here is a list of sample packs that we collected these drum samples from:

CLASSIC DRUMS: Atomic Energy, Beyond Gravity - The Outer Reaches, Breakbeat Explosion, Da Funky Style, Downtempo Spirals, Drop The House, Drum And Bass Void, Dub-N-Trance 1, Dub-N-Trance 2, Elastic Drum And Bass, Evolved Beatworks, JTEKK - Alien junglist, JTEKK - Rap Beatbox, Junebugs Battery Box, Junebugs Electronibeatz. Junebugs lo-Fi Experience, Mello Synthetic, Monsta-Tronic, Nick This, Orion Mega Toolkit 1, Poison Sounds, Rhythm Lab - Beatbox, Rhythm Lab - Neurofunk, Sample Frenzy 1, Serious Electro 1, Serious Electro 2, Supreme Sounds, Trance Explosion 1, Trancidity, Trip Hop Explosion, Urban Legends - Hip Hop Revolution

NU-SCHOOL DRUMS: Barefoot Acoustic Beats, Black Label Glitch Hop, Cerebral Ambient Glitch, Criminal Tech House, Drumjector, Dubstep Cyborg Cartel, Dubstep Mantis, EDM Remedy, Evolved Drum And Bass, Future IDM Glitch, Hardcore Kicks, Hybrid Electrix, Hyper Synthetic Midi, Junebugs Secret Stash, Kinetic Dubstep Visions, Laid-Back Chilled Funk Midi, Neuro House, Straight 128

UNRELEASED DRUMS: Bass And Breaks, Drum Stutter Glitch Hits (89bpm), Drumkit Pusher, Junebugs Foley Stash, Junebugs Personal Tuned Kicks Collection, Nu-School old-Schhol, Unreleased Drum And Bass, White Label Glitch Hop

Epic Drums Bundle is 100% royalty free, meaning you can use any of these drums in your tracks without worrying about any sample clearance hassle!

Works with All DAW Software including Ableton Live, Cubase, Logic, Pro Tools, Reason, Reaper, Sonar, Studio One, Mixcraft, FL Studio, Garageband, Samplitude and many more…

File formats: *.WAV

Info: 16- Bit, 24-Bit WAV Quality

Size: 1,38 GB

Total: 13 458 samples

About the Producer:

Electronisounds have been making sample packs since 1996, and over the last 20 years we've created a WHOPPING 13,000+ one-shot drum samples!

123Creative 史诗鼓包 WAV |0.97 GB

欢迎来到史诗鼓包-每个鼓一次性样本集合我们有做过 !

鼓的声音,每一个电子音乐的风格!!不管的电子音乐你生产什么样 (小号),你会发现权鼓的声音,你的滑轨在此包-每次。从古典到现代,鼓和低音-downtempo,它是所有在这里。此包包含所有鼓一次性的声音你可以在任何时候需要绝对必须有所有音乐制作的鼓集合 !


此集合跨越 20 + 年的音效设计。



• 经典鼓 (9 622 的声音)

• 怒江学校鼓 (3 282 的声音)

• 奖金未发行的鼓 (554 声音)。


经典鼓︰ 原子能,超越外星的重力-外到达、 打击乐爆炸、 Da 时髦风格、 Downtempo 螺旋、 下降的房子、 鼓和低音虚空、 配音-N-恍惚 1、 配音-N-恍惚 2、 弹性鼓和低音、 进化而来的 Beatworks、 JTEKK-junglist,JTEKK-说唱 beatbox 表演,Junebugs 电池盒,Junebugs Electronibeatz。Junebugs 低保真经验、 梅洛合成、 Monsta 变速器,尼克这,猎户座巨型工具包 1,毒药的声音,节奏实验室-beatbox 表演,节奏实验室-Neurofunk、 样品狂热 1、 严重电 1、 严重电 2、 最高声音,恍惚爆炸 1、 Trancidity、 旅行合爆炸、 都市传奇-Hip Hop 革命

NU 学校鼓︰ 赤脚声节拍,黑标故障跳,脑环境故障、 刑事科技馆、 Drumjector、Dubstep 机器人卡特尔、 Dubstep 螳螂,电火花加工的补救办法,进化鼓和低音,未来 IDM 故障的铁杆踢,混合 Electrix,超合成 Midi、 Junebugs 秘密藏匿、 动力学 Dubstep 愿景、 悠闲的冷冻的放克 Midi、 神经房子,直 128

未发行的鼓︰ 低音和打破、 鼓口吃故障点击 (89bpm)、 鼓推钢机、 Junebugs Foley藏匿、 Junebugs 个人调谐踢收集,怒江学校老-Schhol,未发行鼓和低音,白色标签故障跳

史诗般的鼓包是 100%免费,意味着你可以使用任何这些鼓在自己的轨道而不用担心任何样品间隙麻烦 !

与所有 DAW 软件包括 Live、 Cubase、 逻辑、 临工具、 原因、 收割机、 声纳、 工作室、 Mixcraft,佛罗里达工作室、 Garageband、 Samplitude 和更多的作品......

文件格式: *。WAV

信息︰ 16 位、 24 位 WAV 质量

大小︰ 1,38 GB

总︰ 13 458 样本


Electronisounds 有 1996 年以来,制作样品包而且在过去的 20 年中,我们创建了 WHOPPING 13000 多一次性鼓样品 !