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Master Adobe Photoshop Elements 14 For Beginners

MP4 | Video: AVC 1280x720 | Audio: AAC 44KHz 2ch | Duration: 16 Hours | Lec: 128 | 4.86 GB

Genre: eLearning | Language: English

Everything you need to turn ordinary photos into impressive masterpieces

Everything you need to turn ordinary photos into impressive masterpieces

Whopping 15 Hours of Expert Instruction

More than 120 Individual Video Tutorials

Course starts right at the very beginning

Everything is explained in clear detail

Full coverage of basic functions in Photoshop Elements 14

How to use Photoshop Organizer efficiently

Where to get great content

Printing your photos so they look professional

Working miracles with the Editor

Speeding your projects with Quick Mode

Practical retouching and enhancing techniques

Includes exercise files to practice what you’ve learned

Adobe Photoshop Elements 14 For Beginners

We've all seen amazing photos of models, natural scenes, and events that look absolutely perfect. Somebody will say "It's been Photoshopped!" Now you can have the advanced skills required to use Photoshop Elements 14 like a pro. This big 15 hour course starts right at the very beginning showing you how to download the software and get it going. Then we carefully walk you through each and every step toward becoming a true Photoshop power user. Use these skills for your job, your hobby, or even start a new business.

Many Photoshop courses are designed for people who have some experience using the application. While this course will be very useful to students with experience, it was designed for the person who has never worked with Photoshop before and knows nothing about it.

Contents and Overview

This course starts right at the very beginning with how to get PSE14 and install it. We review what is different in Elements 14 so those who have worked with the previous version can fast forward to the new functions they need to understand. In Chapter 2 you learn start up, the all important keyboard shortcuts that will greatly speed your work, and how to get answers using Help. We also set up your preferences so you can customize PSE 14 for your use.

Next you learn how to use Quick Start. That is the perfect way for the beginner to see impressive results. This includes an exercise where you create a slide show worthy of a professional presentation. Next we learn the many functions of The Organizer including catalogs, media browser, timelines, instant fix, image properties and much more.

We cover Acquiring Content and Printing before getting to the heart of PSE 14: The Editor. This is where you learn how to create a workspace and manipulate your content for desired results. Later we look at editing in Expert Mode. Along the way we study the often used Quick Mode where you can instantly remove red eyes, add effects, textures, frames, and auto smart tone.

As you progress we study Guided Editing where you resize photos and perform guided edits on image properties. Later we work on filters, lighting, adding text, text effects, color effects and much more as we advance through the massive 15 hours of instruction that take you through every detail of Photoshop Elements 14.

适合初学者的大师 Adobe Photoshop 元素 14

MP4 |视频︰ AVC 1280 x 720 |音频︰ AAC 44 KHz 2 通道 |持续时间︰ 16 小时 |Lec: 128 |4.86 GB

类型︰ 电子学习 |语言︰ 英语



高达 15 个小时的专家授课

超过 120 个人视频教程



全覆盖的基本功能在 Photoshop 元素 14

如何有效地使用 Photoshop 主办单位







Adobe Photoshop 元素 14 适合初学者

我们所有见过惊人照片模型、 自然景物和看看绝对完美的事件。有人会说"它一直宣传册 !"现在你可以有像 pro 使用 Photoshop 元素 14 所需的先进的技能。这大 15小时的课程开始右开始向您展示如何下载软件,并得到它去。然后我们小心地走过你成为一个真正的 Photoshop 电力用户的每一步。使用这些技巧为你的工作,你的爱好,或甚至开始一项新业务。

很多 Photoshop 课程为那些有一些使用应用程序的经验。本课程将对经验的学生很有用,但它被设计为与 Photoshop 之前,从未对它一无所知的人。


本课程开始在开头如何获取 PSE14 以及如何安装它的非常正确。我们审查什么是不同的元素 14 所以那些曾与以前的版本可以快进到他们需要了解的新功能。第 2 章中你学习的启动,将大大加快你的工作,以及如何得到答案使用帮助的所有重要的键盘快捷键。我们也设置您的首选项,以便您可以为您使用自定义 PSE 14。

接下来您学习如何使用快速入门。这是最完美的方式,对于初学者来说,看到令人印象深刻的结果。这包括您在哪里创建幻灯片放映值得专业演示文稿的锻炼。接下来我们学习组织者,包括目录、 媒体浏览器、 时间表、 即时修复、 图像属性和更多的许多功能。

我们涵盖获取内容和之前的 PSE 14 心印︰ 编辑器。这是在哪里您学习如何创建一个工作区和操作您的内容所需的结果。后来,我们看看在专家模式中编辑。一路走来我们研究经常使用快速模式,你可以立即移除红红的眼睛,添加效果、 纹理、 帧,自动智能色调。

作为你进步我们研究指导编辑在哪里你调整照片的大小和执行指导编辑图像属性。稍后我们工作过滤器,照明、 添加文本、 文字效果、 颜色效果和更多,因为我们事先通过大规模的 15 个小时的指令,带你通过 Photoshop 元素 14 的每一个细节。