Duration 2h Project Files Included MP4
Title: Cubebrush – 3D Hand-Painted Weapon
This tutorial will explain the entire creation of a 3D Hand-Painted Axe that could belong in a video game.
The polycount and texture size we are going for are all conservative/realistic for today’s mobile/MOBA style of games and shows the exact pipeline you need to master to get you the job you want.
The full tutorial runs 2 hours and includes:
-Game-Ready Low Poly Axe
-Hand-Painted Texture
-Diffuse PSD
-Custom Gradient Maps
-Axe Concepts
持续时间 2 h 项目文件包括的 MP4
标题︰ Cubebrush — — 3D 手绘武器
本教程将说明可能属于一个视频游戏中的 3D 手工绘制斧头的整个创作。
完整的教程 2 小时运行一次,其中包括︰
-漫 PSD