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Loopmasters Carl Cox Collective My Life In Music MULTiFORMAT | 1.37 Gb
One of Loopmasters proudest moments to date has arrived as we can finally announce to the world a collaboration with the most charming DJ in the business, a musical ambassador, a veteran of acid house, a champion of techno, a dance music pioneer, label owner and King of Ibiza – The legendary Carl Cox.
My Life In Music is an incredible collection of original Loops and One Shot Samples written and recorded by Carl Cox and the talented production duo samplify aka Davide Carbone and Josh Abrahams and features over 1.6Gb of solid club loops and sounds including Rich Fat Bass Lines, Vintage Drum Breaks, Searing Leads, Warm Pads and a special collection of Mixed Groove Hooks to cut up, filter, re sample and remix in your sampler of choice.
With Carl Cox at the helm, the Carl Cox Collective set about creating arguably the most ambitious royalty free sample project to date: To document and recreate the energy from a lifetime of musical memories inside the mind of the planet’s most popular DJ/Producer. Everything in this collection has been written and recorded from scratch with real instruments and classic vintage gear alongside some notable modern music software all painstakingly re sampled, printed to tape or reverse engineered to create a certain vibe, emotion or memory, locked and stored inside the brain of Britain’s most respected DJ.
The Kit list used in making this incredible collection included the Audient ASP4816 Recording Console, Adam S3X-H studio monitors, Logic Pro X, Ableton Live 9, Maschine, Moog Sub 37, Vestax PMC580 Pro DJ mixer, Elektron Sidstation, Access Virus, Korg MS-20, DSI Prophet 08, Fender Rhodes 54, Gretsch Catalania Club Drum Kit, Yamaha U1 Piano, Korg Maxi-Korg, Roland Juno-106, Roland JD-800, Moog Micromoog, Yamaha CS-30, Wurlitzer EP200, Roland SH-09, Roland TR-909, Roland Jupiter 6, Nord Lead Original, Carbon Electra Soft Synth, Focusrite Red 2 and Joe Meek SC3 DAD.
In Detail expect to find 1.61Gb of 24Bit 44.1KHz Loops and One shot Sounds including 36 Bass Loops, 88 Break Loops, 53 Drum Loops, 63 Mixed Groove Loops, 39 Lead Synth Loops, 72 Musical Loops, 185 Drum Shots, 30 Bass Stabs, 25 Chord Hits, 30 SFX Sounds, 40 FX Builds, 35 Lead Sounds, 22 Pad Shots, 364 Rex2 Files and 128 Soft Sampler Patches for Kontakt, Halion, Exs24, Nnxt and Sfz formats.
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我的生活在集体loopmasters卡尔考克斯音乐格式| 1.37 GB
日期loopmasters最骄傲的时刻之一已经抵达我们终于可以宣布世界一个协作与的最迷人的DJ的业务,一个音乐大使,Acid House老兵,一个冠军的技术,一个舞蹈音乐先锋,品牌所有者和国王的伊维萨–传奇Carl Cox。
我在音乐的生活是令人难以置信的收集原始循环一次样品和书面记录的Carl Cox和人才生产二samplify又名Davide Carbone和乔希亚伯拉罕和特点在1.6gb固体俱乐部循环和声音,包括丰富的脂肪低音线,老式滚筒断裂,灼热的引线,暖垫和一个专门收集混合槽钩切,滤波,重采样和混音在您选择的采样器。
与卡尔舵手掌舵,的Carl Cox集合创造无可争议的最雄心勃勃的免版税的示例项目日期:记录和再现的能量从一生的音乐记忆的星球的最受欢迎的DJ /制作人的内心。此集合中的一切已经被写入和记录从零开始与真实的乐器和经典复古齿轮与一些著名的现代音乐软件都刻意重新采样,打印到磁带或逆向工程创造一个特定氛围,情感或者记忆,锁定和存储在大脑的英国最受尊敬的DJ。
在这个令人难以置信的收集使用的试剂盒列表包含的受众asp4816记录控制台,亚当s3x-h工作室显示器,Logic Pro X,Ableton生活9,生产,穆格子37,VESTAX pmc580 Pro DJ混合器,Elektron sidstation,访问病毒,Korg ms-20,DSI先知08,Fender Rhodes 54,Gretsch加泰罗尼亚俱乐部鼓包,雅马哈U1钢琴,Korg马克西Korg,罗兰juno-106,罗兰jd-800,穆格micromoog,雅马哈CS-30,Wurlitzer EP200,罗兰sh-09,罗兰tr-909,罗兰木星6,诺德导致原始,碳伊莱克特拉软合成器,Focusrite红2和Joe Meek SC3爸爸。
详细期望找到1.61gb 24bit 44.1kHz回路和一个射击的声音包括36低音循环,88打破循环,53鼓环,63混合槽循环,39铅合成回路,72音乐圈,185鼓镜头,30低音刺,25弦支安打,30 SFX声音,建立40 FX,35领先的声音,22垫镜头,364 Rex2文件和128软采样器补丁KONTAKT,音色,EXS24,NNXT SFZ格式。
首页- http://www.loopmasters.com/products/3862-carl-cox-collective-my-life-in-music