DISCOVER | 02 MAY 2015 | 636MB
'What About The Biggest EDM Stars' is a stunning pack fully loaded with the most famous EDM samples, loops and presets. Inside this product you will find eight amazing Construction Kits as well as 30+ Sylenth1 presets used in the tracks, 25 MIDI files, drums, FX, vocals, and much more. Be ready for the purest EDM sound ever. All 100% Royalty-Free.
In detail, you will find 700+ Mb of all Drums, Synths and FX Loops and Samples used in track. Drop loops are rendered with and without sidechain to give you maximum freedom while using them. You can use separated loops or the completed tracks.
Use MIDI files in combination with their corresponding presets for Sylenth1 or use them as is. You are only limited by your imagination!
Tracks are inspired by famous EDM stars such as Maritn Garrix, Hardwell, Moti, Quintino, Alesso, Sebastian Ingosso, Axwell, Calvin Harris, Marnik, Dyro, David Guetta, and many others.
What about becoming one of the EDM stars?
Product Includes:
• 8 Construction Kits
• 31 Sylenth1 Presets
• 25 MIDI Files
• ACIDized WAV Files
• PC/Mac Compatible
• 100% Royalty-Free
发现| 02可能2015 | 636mb
一个满载着最著名的电火花加工样品惊人的包是什么最大的电火花加工明星,循环和预置。在这个产品你会发现八惊人的建筑组件以及30 + sylenth1预置应用于轨道,25的MIDI文件,鼓,人声,和更多的外汇。为最纯净的电火花加工声音。所有100%免费。
的细节,你会发现700 + MB的鼓,用于跟踪的合成器和FX循环和样品。脱环和侧链呈现给你最大的自由度,并利用他们。您可以使用分隔的循环或已完成的曲目。
灵感来自著名的电火花加工轨迹等明星maritn Garrix,Hardwell,莫蒂,Quintino,Alesso,塞巴斯蒂安ingosso,Axwell,加尔文哈里斯,研究表明,dyro,戴维Guetta,和许多其他。
•31 sylenth1预置