CG数据库 >> Prime Loops Platinum Piano Ballads MULTiFORMAT

Prime Loops Platinum Piano Ballads MULTiFORMAT的图片1

密码: 4364


'Platinum Piano Ballads' allows you to achieve one of the biggest feats for any aspiring Pop composer and producer, the grand, powerful, all-encompassing Piano Ballad. It is a great moment for all involved, be it the musicians, the singer or of course the audience, bathing their ears in those gentle, soulful tones.

From Bruno Mars to Adele, Elton John to Beyoncé or Owl City, to that piano lady with the fitting name of Alicia Keys, the piano is the instrument of choice for so many great musicians who have created classic Ballads on the ebony and ivory and thus landed worldwide hits that easily stand the test of time.

It almost seems like the magic spell of the Piano Ballad can never be broken, even in our modern digital age and with Prime Loops' latest sample pack 'Platinum Piano Ballads', you get a wholesome and diverse 350 MB of beautifully composed, arranged and mastered 24-Bit spells to cast upon your listeners.

'Platinum Piano Ballads' contains 20 different, multi-layered track selections, each one in a different key and tempo, providing you with endless harmonic options and plenty of inspiration. The soundscapes in each track selection range from harpsichord, classical grand and earthy electric pianos, all the way to synthesized piano sounds.

All sounds and loops in 'Platinum Piano Ballads' have been exclusively produced for this pack and are royalty-free, to be used without a care in your hit productions and in any which way you like. If you're searching for the key to true Piano Ballad success, this pack will most definitely provide it for you!

多格式| 1.23 GB


从布鲁诺火星阿黛尔,埃尔顿约翰碧昂丝é或Owl City,Alicia Keys的拟合的名字,钢琴夫人,钢琴是仪器的选择很多伟大的音乐家谁创造了经典民谣的乌木和象牙,从而降落全世界流行,很容易经得起时间的考验。

它似乎像魔咒钢琴歌谣永远不会被打破,甚至在我们现代的数字时代,素环的新样本包铂钢琴民谣,你得到健康和多样化的350 MB精美组成,排列和掌握24位法术施展在你的听众。

