CG数据库 >> Plughugger VZone KONTAKT

Plughugger VZone KONTAKT的图片1

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Plughugger VZone KONTAKT | 206 Mb

VZone is a software synthesizer utilizing the sampler engine of Native Instruments Kontakt 4 (and above) and sets the focus on one of the coolest digital instruments ever built: the Casio VZ. After their highly successful CZ-series, Casio created the VZ - a vastly improved synthesizer using Casios own FM-style architecture: iPD (Interactive Phase Distortion).

VZone is a celebration of all things VZ. First we sampled 24 of our favourite sounds, and to make sure the sounds could be used for more than its original style, we looped each and every sound. If you ever tried to loop an FM-style bass sound, you understand we put in a lot of work capturing truly versatile sounds.

There are three identical oscillators, where each sound has its own volume, envelope, pitch, pan and filter. Creating massive stacks is as simple as blending your favourite sounds together. The filter is both highpass and lowpass. Dragging down the parameter down to minus cuts away all high frequencies, while dragging the parameter up filters out the bass frequencies.

plughugger vzone MB的现代化| 206

vzone软件合成器是利用发动机的现代化钢铁学院(土著仪器4和以上)和the sets of the coolest焦点的一所新建的数字仪器公司:the卡西欧VZ。他们的成功在深圳CZ系列,卡西欧的Vz - vastly created the casios调频合成器使用改进自身体系:IPD(互动式相位失真)。

在所有的庆祝vzone is of VZ。我们采样的第一宠儿和24 of我们的声音,使声音可以be used for sure the超过其原始风格,我们looped each和every的声音。如果你想对环安FM风格低音的声音,你明白我们把很多工作在学院capturing真正多才多艺的声音。

there are three identical oscillators where each has自己的声音,音量,音高,和过滤器的信封,潘。创造大量的栈is as简单混合在一起的声音你的宠儿。高通和低通滤波器is both the。dragging Down the参数到高frequencies割了小矮星在跟踪滤波器,参数dragging while the frequencies out the Bass。