Crypto Cipher Audio Lab Solo Tabla KONTAKT | 1.10 Gb
“Solo Tabla” is playable multi-sampled Kontakt instrument with two mic positions and advance script. User can have control over each sound as well each drum. Solo Tabla can be tuned up as well tuned down with the micro tuning feature on each sound.
Right Drum when tuned down sounds like “Pakhawaj” (Indian Traditional Percussion Instrument), we have also included pakhawaj style midi loops just to show the capability of instrument. Bonus Midi loops includes – Basic Indian traditional style of rhythms in 4/4 and various complex patterns in 15/4 , 11/4 , 7/4 , 10/4 etc. It also includes various Complex kaidas in 4/4 and Lagi - Laddi Patterns used in “Keharwa Rhythm Patterns”. User can improvise midi patterns and change sound via mic positions/tunings /panning and velocities to get amazing sound.
Library also includes special effect controls like mute,doubler,heat and wide – along with basic effects and 7 impulse response reverb made specially for this library. Bonus Patches also come with “Solo Tabla” which are performances based in various creative style. “Solo Tabla” and “Tabla Loops” Library are recorded in same room with “Royer Ribbon Microphone” and other microphones.
密码cipher音频实验室独奏tabla接触| 1.10 GB
“一个人的tabla“冰playable接触多采样仪与双麦克风的位置和前进的脚本。让用户可以在每个控制作为阱每个鼓的声音。可以单独调谐tabla IP作为阱调谐到与调谐的特征在每个微声。
当调谐到右鼓听起来“pakhawaj”(印第安传统仪器percussion)也包括在内,我们要pakhawaj风格的MIDI循环只是节目《大学仪器的能力。MIDI循环包括奖金——Basic印第安传统风格的节奏在4 / 4和各种复杂的方式在15 / 4,1 / 4 / 4,7,10 / 4等。它也包括在各种复杂的kaidas 4 / 4和lagi - laddi模式用于“keharwa节奏模式”。用户可以improvise MIDI格局改变声通过麦克风定位/调整/ panning和风很奇异的声音。
图书馆也包括静音控制类的特殊效果,一种双打的宽沿鸭——与7 Basic效应和脉冲响应混响的方式specially这个图书馆。奖金的补丁也跟“独奏tabla”这是基于性能在各种创造性的风格。“独奏”tabla tabla环”和“图书馆是记录在同一房间与“罗耶的丝带麦克风和其他microphones”。