密码: 75y6
2012 | P2P | 6.25 GB | REASON REFILL
The Abbey Road Keyboards ReFill brings the sound of legendary Abbey Road Studios into your Reason rack. Recorded on location using Abbey Road's recording rooms and vintage equpiment, this ReFill gives you access to seven time-honored Abbey Road instrument - these are the keyboards heard on all those immortal Abbey Road recordings.
The Abbey Road Keyboards were recorded using the original mics, outboard and vintage mixing desk from Abbey Road's Studio Two, recreating not only the sound of the instruments themselves, but the very signal paths, technology and recording techniques that is the Abbey Road sound. Each instrument was captured using multiple microphones placed at different locations in StudioTwo's beautiful sounding recording space, allowing for full ambience control in Reason.
2012 | P2P | 6.25 GB |原因补充
艾比路键盘记录使用原来的最低抑菌浓度(MIC),舷外和老式混合办公桌从艾比路工作室两个,再造不仅声音的仪器本身,但的信号路径,技术和记录技术,Abbey Road的声音。每个仪器的使用多个麦克风放置在studiotwo的美丽动听的记录空间不同位置拍摄的原因,允许全气氛控制。