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Push Button Bang Rise 2 Beyond Noise FX | WAV | 860 MB

Push Button Bang presents Rise 2: Beyond Noise fx.

A unique collection of exotic noise and special effects to create tension and release in your audio productions and Ableton sets.

The original Rise collection has proven to be one of the most popular FX collections at loopmasters.

This new instalment pushes the boundaries of exotic noise, providing 580 original FX sounds, perfect for all forms of modern music and media production.

Whizzing, exploding, collapsing and ascending, all can be used collaboratively or individually, creating intricate and motionful crescendos, BIG FX moments, cinematic impacts and energetic musical transitions with drag and drop simplicity.

Rise 2 is the easy way to form complex noise elements and is guaranteed to add new dimensions of energy and movement to your audio productions.

Whats new in Rise 2:

Build Noises, Tonal transitions and impact sweeps: Short crescendos for quick energetic transitions, both simple noise sweeps and complex, layered movements for depth and energy.

Cymbal and Tom crescendos: One important and often over looked overlooked effect in all musical production is the cymbal crescendo. Rise 2 features 50 different cymbal crescendos recorded on 6 industry standard cymbals, giving varying lengths, suspenses and energies for the cymbal rise, this is extremely useful for all transition work. Also included are 40 Tom crescendos played on 5 different Tom drums. These are excellent for creating suspenseful moments for promos, emotional moments and breakdowns

Impact variations: You will find hundreds of impacts ranging from Deep booming sub cinematic hit, implosions and explosions, thunder strikes, cinematic percussion, layered complex strikes of myriad description, tonal musical impacts and much more.

Abstract Noise fx: Longer noise fx created using differing techniques of synthesis with artificial and organic noise combinations

Complex noise loops: Rythmic, Ducked Complex noise rhythms and rich noise pieces edited seamlessly.

Organic noise crescendos and instruments: Builds and noise sounds created using real world instruments and found sound recordings.

White noise brushes and Transitions: The staple of all standard EDM noise fx, you will find all manner of white noise transition elements with varying processing, filters modulations, curves, lengths and delays.

Stops and drops: Quick laser stops, slow down fx and more.

Motion twists, Rises and Falls: A massive variety of motional exotic noise elements, to create amazing special fx quickly and simply.

Timed Synth Risers and Falls: 50 highly usable BAR TIMED rise and fall sequences. Set at 128 bpm and offering 2, 4, and 8 bar builds - noise based , tonal , rythmic and combinations of all.

While there are a lot of collections that claim they deliver the goods, Rise 2 stands out from the crowd, offering incredibly high quality royalty free sounds and an unbeatable price. PBB prefers to let the sounds do the talking, so check the demos, download and see why this is THE noise FX collection you will be using in ALL your productions.



580 Exotic Noise Fx Wavs

07 Tonal Cymbals

53 Deep Impacts

20 Tonal Impacts

73 Motion Twists

20 Noise Loops

16 Organic Noise Instruments

50 Synth Risers and Fallers

10 White Noise Brushes

50 Cymbal Crescendos

36 Complex Impacts

30 Edge Impacts

40 Motion Rise and Falls

32 Noise Abstractions

10 Organic Noise Crescendos

20 Stops and drops

40 Tom Crescendos

47 White Noise Transitions

按钮浜上升 2 超越噪音 FX |WAV |860 MB

按钮浜呈现上升 2: 超越噪音 fx。

独特的异国情调的噪声和特殊效果,制造紧张局势,并释放在你的音频制作和 Ableton 集。

原始的崛起集合已被证明是最受欢迎的 FX 收藏在 loopmasters 之一。

这新一批推动外来噪音,提供 580 原始 FX 声音,适合各种形式的现代音乐和媒体生产的边界。

呼啸而过、 爆炸、 倒塌和提升,所有可以使用协作或个别地创建复杂和 motionful 的渐强、大 FX 时刻、 电影影响和充满活力的音乐转换与拖和放的简易性。

崛起 2 是形成复杂噪声背景元素的简单方法,并且保证将能量和运动的新维度添加到您的音频制作。

什么是上升 2 中的新增功能:

建立噪声、 音调的转折和影响扫描: 短渐强快速的能量转换,简单噪声扫描和复杂的分层运动的深度和能源。

钹和汤姆的渐强: 一个重要和经常看被忽视的效果在所有音乐生产是铙钹高潮。崛起 2 功能50 不同钹渐强记录 6 行业标准钹钹上升给不同长度、 悬念和能量,这是对于所有过渡工作极为有用。此外包括了 40 5 不同汤姆鼓演奏的汤姆渐强。这些都是优秀创建悬疑时刻为促销、情感的瞬间和故障

影响的变化: 你会发现数以百计的影响,包括从深蓬勃发展子电影命中,爆和爆炸声,雷声罢工,电影的打击乐,分层的无数描述、 色调的音乐影响和更多的复杂罢工。

抽象的噪声 fx: 再噪声 fx 创建与人工和有机噪声组合使用不同技术的合成

复杂的噪声循环: 律动,躲开了复杂噪声节奏和丰富噪声件无缝地进行编辑。

有机噪声渐强与文书: 生成和噪声声音创建使用真实世界文书和发现录音。

白噪声刷子和过渡: 所有标准电火花加工主食噪声 fx,你会发现各种各样的白噪声过渡元素有不同的处理,筛选器调制、 曲线、 长度和延误。

停止和滴: 快速激光停止慢下来 fx 和更多。

运动曲折、 上升和下降: 大量各种运动的外来噪声元素,打造特殊 fx 以惊人的快速和简单。

定时 Synth riser 卡和瀑布: 50 高度可用栏定时起起落落序列。在 128 bpm 和提供 2、 4和 8 栏设置生成-噪声为主,色调,律动及所有组合。

虽然有大量的收藏,声称他们将货物交付,上升 2 脱颖而出的人群,提供令人难以置信的高质量版税免费的声音和无与伦比的价格。多溴联苯更愿意让声音来说话,所以检查演示,下载,看看为什么这是噪声 FX 集合,您将使用在你的作品。



580 的外来噪声 Fx 水波

07 色调钹

53 产生深刻的影响

20 色调的影响

73 运动曲折

20 噪声循环

16 有机噪声文书

50 synth 的兴衰

10 白噪声画笔

50 钹渐强

36 复杂影响

30 边缘影响

40 运动兴起和瀑布

32 噪声抽象

10 有机噪声渐强

20 站和滴

40 汤姆渐强

47 白噪声转换