ThaLoops Urban Music Loops WAV AiFF | 919 Mb
The massive collection of loops for urban music production. Including over 330 loops of grooving drum loops, raw synths, piano progressions, timbo style sound effects and more. All 15 original urban music beats are perfectly crafted and built from A to Z into a full production construction kit. The beats feature the main solo instrument representing it’s own color of sound. The list of instruments includes: Cello, Viola, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Electric 5-string bass, Grand Piano and Saxophone.
The fully produced and mixed multi-track beats are provided in construction style format. The separated loops are provided at the original volume level of the full-mix composition and matches the production of the demos. Each loop file is tagged with a suffix A,B,C,D… pointing to the original part of the composition the loop belongs to (e.g Bass-A.wav, Drums-A.wav Synth-A.wav belong to one group).
Drum loops has been separated into the following 3 parts:
1. Full-Mix drum loop.
2. Drums Top loop - drum mix without kick samples.
3. Kickwork - separated kick drum loops. In case the kick loop is not too complex, the kick is provided as a one-shot wav sample.
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ThaLoops 城市音乐循环 WAV AiFF |919 mb
大规模的城市音乐制作的循环集合。包括超过 330 环槽循环鼓、 原料合成、 钢琴进阶,timbo 风格的音效和更多。所有 15 原城市音乐的节拍是完美精心设计和建造从 A 到 Z成一个完整的生产施工工具包。节拍功能主要的独奏乐器,代表它自己的颜色的声音。文书的清单包括: 大提琴、 中提琴、 原声吉他、 电吉他、 电子琴 5 字符串低音、 盛大和萨克斯管。
全面生产和混合多轨节拍提供建筑样式的格式。分离的循环全混合组成原始卷一级提供和匹配的演示生产。循环的每个文件标记带有后缀 A、 B、 C、 D....指向最原始的构成部分循环属于(例如低音是否,鼓是否 Synth 是否属于一个组)。
3.Kickwork-循环分离的踢鼓。以防踢循环不是太复杂的踢被提供作为一次性 wav 样本。