Loopmasters Back To The 80s | MULTiFORMAT | 581 MB
Loopmasters presents Back to the Eighties, with the era -defining sounds of big fresh Beats, choppy FM Basslines and Power Chord synths. This pack contains all of the sleek 1980s Loops and Samples that you need to bring vibrant fluorescent colour clashes to your music, without the need for a DeLorean.
Full to the brim with 789MB of Loops, Hits and Multi-Samples – Back to the Eighties brings you a wealth of high-fidelity Main Drums, Top Drums, Musical and Bass Loops ready for the mix. Loopmasters put the power of the 80's in your hands with 10 Multi-Sampled instruments, formatted and patched up for direct injection into your software sampler. As if that wasn’t enough, there are a whopping 280 Single Hits for Bass, Drum, Synth and FX to fill out your fresh musical creations.
Prepare yourself for 419 Wav files consisting of 139 Loops including 31 Bass Loops, 42 Drum Loops, 42 Music Loops, 24 Top Loops and 28 Bass Loops. There are 280 Single Hits including 43 Drum Hits (6 Kicks, 23 Perc Hits and 14 Snares), 21 FX Hits and 18 Synth Hits. Then we have 5 Bass and 5 Synth Multi-Samples, 139 Apple Loops, 139 Rex2 Loops and finally 63 Sampler Patches formatted for NNXT, Halion,Sfz,Kontakt,Esx24.
Away from the frantic sounds of 2015, Back to the Eighties transports you to a time of laid back grooves with tempos ranging from 104-122BPM – primed for bouncing slow jams and Hand-Clap floor fillers. All the sounds have been resurrected using authentic instruments, with effects which complement the scene – so expect to hear big hit Reverbs, doubled-up Delays and epic Electro-Synth sounds.
An ideal pack for producers of Retrowave, Synthwave, Electonica, Disco and House – Back to the Eighties delivers the warm, classic sound of hazy retrospection, ready to be loaded into your DAW of choice. Listen to the Demos now and download the FREE Taster Pack now!
All samples are recorded at 24Bit 44.1Khz.
24Bit 44.1KHZ
42 Drum Loops
31 Bass Loops
28 Bass Hits
21 Fx
5 Synth Multis
63 Soft Sampler Patches
42 Music Loops
24 Top Loops
5 Bass Multis
18 Synth Hits
140 Rex2 Files
Loopmasters 回到 80 年代 |繁多 |581 MB
Loopmasters 提出了回到八十年代,随着时代-定义大新鲜节拍、 低音贝斯柔和 FM 波涛汹涌和电力和弦合成器的声音。此包包含所有光滑的上世纪 80 年代循环和样品,你需要给你的音乐,而无需罗宁带来活力荧光色冲突。
789 mb 的循环、 命中和多样品 — — 满满当当回到八十年代带给你丰富的高保真主要敲鼓顶部,音乐和低音循环准备混合。Loopmasters 把 80 年代的权力在你的手与10 多采样文书、 格式化和直接注入到你的软件采样补好了。仿佛这还不够,有高达280 单命中为低音鼓、 合成器、 FX 填写你新鲜的音乐创作。
自己做好准备 419 Wav 文件组成的 139 循环包括 31 低音循环、 42 鼓循环、 42 音乐循环、 24 顶部循环和 28 低音循环。有包括 43 鼓点击数 (6 踢、 23 Perc 命中和 14 网罗)、 21 FX 命中和 18 Synth 命中 280 单点击。然后我们的 5 低音,5Synth 多样品、 139 苹果圈、 139 Rex2 循环和最后 63 取样器补丁格式为 Halion,Esx24,NNXT,Sfz,开播。
从 2015 年疯狂的声音,回到八十年代将你传送到奠定了背槽时间从 104 122BPM — — 准备好跳跃的缓慢堵塞和手拍地板填料的节奏。所有复活了声音使用真实票据与补充的场景 — — 的影响所以指望听到大命中的混响,增加了一倍的拖延和史诗般的电合成声音。
理想的包为生产者的 Retrowave、 Synthwave、 Electonica、 迪斯科舞厅和房子 — — 回到八十年代提供朦朦胧胧的回顾,准备好了要加载到您 DAW 选择温暖,经典的声音。现在听演示和现在下载免费的品酒师包!
所有样品都记录在 24 位 44.1 Khz。
24 位 44.1 k h Z
42 鼓循环
31 低音循环
28 低音命中
21 Fx
5 synth 尺度
63 软采样器补丁
42 音乐循环
24 高循环
5 低音尺度
18 synth 命中
140 个 Rex2 文件