Team DISCOVER | 29-11-2013 | 1.00 GB
'8-Bitstep' from Prime Loops provides you with 340 MB+ of Glitch Dubstep, featuring half-tempo heavy drum loops, glitchy synths, devious basslines, and much more! Watch your step! There's a new cross-breed genre ready to log into your central system and send you an insane wave of Glitch madness.
'8-Bitstep' is growing underground and it's spreading its infectious sound into the mainstream. Fusing low-fi sounds with Dubstep, 8-Bitstep is the latest audio experiment to breakout from the Prime Loops audio lab, so put on your surgical mask and get ready to dissect this brand new sample pack.
Extracting the cells of two downright twisted genres, Prime Loops poised them against one another to create another expertly-blended sample smash!
Will Dubstep steal the limelight or will 8-Bit neutralise the competition? When these two team up, you're in for a double-whammy of wobble-glitch sample superiority.
Prime Loops has taken some inspiration from the likes of Oblivion, Terror Danjah and Caspa, who have all demonstrated fearless Dubstep prowess whilst invading and dominating the Glitch Hop scene too.
Weighing in at over 340 MB, '8-Bitstep' will clog your download folder with six bulging folders containing Arps, Bass, Drums, FX, Lead and Synth loops. From anvil-heavy half-tempo beats to glitchy anarchic arps, unbridled bass deviations, dominant leads and greasy synths, there's a substantial helping of slime to pour into your productions.
Swipe any of these samples from your download folder and they'll sync instantly with any major sampling software. Just click on your selected sample, drag it over your DAW and drop it in. It'll sync instantly with any pre-existing mix and you can adjust the tempo by clicking the end of the stem and adjusting the length to meet the BPM that you require. Each sample is mastered in blissful 24-Bit high definition clarity to cut through the dirt!
So get ready to ride the wave of '8-Bitstep' and saturate your sound with an extreme rush of heavily contagious audio electricity! Dubstep and Glitch Hop are dirtying up the scene in filthy unison and this pack is supplied completely royalty-free, so you can wipe up the residue with those defunct sample clearance forms.
团队发现 |2013/11/29 |1.00 GB
' 8 Bitstep' 总理循环中为您提供与 340 MB + 的故障 Dubstep,设有循环半节奏重鼓,出问题 synth,狡猾的低音贝斯柔和,以及更多!观看您的步骤!有是一新的杂交体裁准备登录到您的中央系统,并向您发送故障疯狂疯狂波。
' 8 Bitstep' 正在地下而且它正在成为主流传播其传染性的声音。融合 Dubstep 的低保真声音,8 Bitstep 是最新的音频实验突破从总理循环音频实验室,所以穿上你外科口罩,准备好去解剖这个新品牌的样品包。
将 Dubstep 抢或 8 位将抵消竞争吗?当这两个团队时,你就在抖动故障样本优势双重打击。
主要循环已遗忘、 恐怖 Danjah 和华美,都显示出无畏 Dubstep 实力虽然入侵统治和故障跳场景太喜欢一些启示。
重达 340 MB 以上,8-Bitstep' 也会堵塞你下载文件夹与六胀形文件夹包含 Arps、贝斯、 鼓、 FX,铅和合成回路。从出问题的无政府主义 arps、 肆无忌惮的低音偏差、 主导线索和油腻 synth 的铁砧重半节奏节拍,有实质性帮助的煤泥倒入你的作品。
刷对这些样品从你下载文件夹和他们会与任何主要的采集软件立即同步。只需单击您所选的样本,拖你昂山并将其放在。它将与任何预先存在的混合立即同步,您可以通过单击结束了干并调整长度以满足您需要的 BPM 调整节奏。每个样本被掌握在幸福 24 位高定义清晰,穿过污垢!
所以准备的浪潮下 8-Bitstep' 和严重传染性音频电极端高峰用浸透你的声音!Dubstep和故障跳都弄脏了肮脏齐声场景和此包提供完全免版税,因此你可以擦那些已失效样品通关形式残留。