CG数据库 >> Jeremiah Pena Photosynthesis Vol 3 Embers KONTAKT

Jeremiah Pena Photosynthesis Vol 3 Embers KONTAKT的图片1

Jeremiah Pena Photosynthesis Vol 3 Embers KONTAKT | 1.46 Gb

Embers is the third in the Photosynthesis line of Kontakt libraries. Embers is focused on dark, distorted cinematic sounds still planted in the ambient mindset. Heavy growling basses, distant organic instruments, wavering pads, and rhythmic synths. Inspired by artists like Sigur Ros (especially Kveikur), M83, This Will Destroy You, Hammock, Daughter, Hans Zimmer, and Jon Hopkins.

Embers includes 125 Kontakt .nki instruments, and a 2.45GB library of samples in .wav format (great for the sound designers and tinkerers). It's powered by the free Photosynthesis Engine, which allows extensive control over shaping the sounds, and is designed to make importing your own samples and creating your own instruments easy.


23 Organic Basses .nki's

12 Organic Various .nki's

31 Pads .nki's

32 Rhythmic .nki's

8 Soundscapes/Noise .nki's

19 Synth .nki's

915 .wav Samples

Bonus 33 Guitar Rig 5 Pro Presets

耶利米书佩纳光合作用 Vol 3 余烬开播 |146 Gb

余烬是开播图书馆的光合作用一行中的第三。余烬重点是黑暗的、 扭曲的电影声音仍然埋设着周围人的心态。咆哮的重低音,遥远有机文书、 摇摆不定垫子,以及节奏合成器。像西格尔活性氧 (尤其是 Kveikur),M83,这会摧毁你,吊床,女儿,艺术家的灵感 Hans Zimmer 和乔恩 · 霍普金斯。

余烬包括 125 开播.nki 仪器和样品 2.45 GB 图书馆.wav 格式 (伟大的声音设计者和修补匠)。它被采用免费的光合作用发动机,其允许广泛接管塑造的声音,并旨在使导入您自己的样品和创建您自己的文书很容易。


23 有机低音.nki

12 有机各种.nki

31 垫.nki

32 节奏.nki

8 音景/噪音.nki

19 synth.nki

915.wav 样品

奖金 33 吉他钻机 5 临预设