The French Horns provides you with 319 patches with samples from solo horns, solo horns with mutes and stops, two horn section, four horn section, and four horn section with mutes and stops. Westgate Studios introduces a new series of richly detailed samples and expertly programmed patches. The Modular Series sets a new bar of excellence in symphonic instruments. While most symphonic libraries try to give you a little bit of everything, this series is different. Because each Modular Series product focuses on a single instrument, you get incredible flexibility and detail that is simply unavailable elsewhere. The Modular Series takes advantage of custom scripts for Kontakt and Gigastudio's imidi control to use specially recorded interval samples giving stunning realism.
4.14 GB of 24-bit French Horn samples and patches
319 patches of French Horns
Instruments include:
Solo Horn
Solo Horn (Muted & Stopped)
2 Horns
4 Horns
4 Horns (Muted & Stopped)
13,575 24-bit WAV samples
Dynamic levels ranging from mp -fff
Legato Instruments Custom scripts and imidi rules are used to trigger specially recorded interval samples, giving you the most stunningly realistic samples instruments to date
Same Note Repetition This control is built in to the legato instruments allowing for repeated notes in any tempo or rhythm without having to load more patches
Attack and repetition strength control
Round Robin instruments automatically cycle through 4 variations of short note articulations
Expressive instruments with changing dynamics
Specialty playing styles such as flutter-tongue, trills, rips, falls, and a variety of chord cluster articulations for exciting cinematic effects.
梅龙镇工作室 |开播 |3 GB
法语角为您提供与样品从独奏角,独奏角与聋哑人和停止,两个喇叭部分,四个角节 319 修补程序和与聋哑人和停止的四个角节。梅龙镇工作室介绍了一系列新的细节极为丰富的样本和编程序的修补程序。模块化系列交响文书中设置一个新栏的卓越。虽然大多数的交响图书馆尝试给你一点点的一切,这一系列是不同的。因为每个模块化系列产品侧重于单一的文书,你获得的令人难以置信的灵活性和细节,只是在别处不可。模块化系列利用到要使用专门记录的间隔样品给惊人的现实主义的开播和 Gigastudio 的 imidi 控件的自定义脚本。
4.14 GB 的 24 位圆号样品和修补程序
圆号的 319 修补程序
独奏角 (静音 & 停止)
2 角
4 角
4 角 (静音 & 停止)
13,575 24 位 WAV 样本
动态的层次从 mp fff
Legato 文书自定义脚本和 imidi 规则用于触发专门记录的间隔样品给你到目前为止最令人震惊的现实样本文书
同样注意重复此控制内置于 legato 的文书,而无需加载更多修补程序允许在任何节奏或节奏重复的音符
循环赛仪器自动循环 4 的短信表达的变化
专业演奏风格,如舌颤振、 颤音、 撕裂、 瀑布和各种令人兴奋的电影效果的和弦群集关节。