CG数据库 >> Loopmasters Dubmatix Dub Invaders MULTiFORMAT

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Loopmasters Dubmatix Dub Invaders MULTiFORMAT | 1.88 Gb

Loopmasters present Dub Invaders, a superb collection of royalty-free Dub infused samples from industry aficionado Dubmatix. Bringing you the best in traditional Dub instruments fed through slap-back delays, with heavy, laid back beats and melodic accompaniments.

Dubmatix has a relentlessly inventive approach to reverb, rhythm and reggae and has developed a unique signature sound and style that is immediately recognizable.Dub Invaders delivers pure dancehall fire for your productions, a total of 989 individual 24 Bit Wav Samples recorded by professional session musicians, for that live-skankin? feel.

Ludwig & Gretsch Drums were used as well as a 1973 Fender P bass, a Warwick Bass, a Moog Minotaur Analog Synth and a Fender Precision Bass 1973. Every effort has been made to give these instruments the authentic edge with effects list which includes: Roland Space Echo Re-150 & Chorus Echo SRE-555, Carl Martin Optical envelope, a 1970s Spring Reverb, Mini Spring Verb, Re-20 Space Echo Pedal and MoogerFooger Analog Delay.

Contained in the pack is a wealth of instruments including Pianos, Synths, Sirens, Guitars, Bass, Horns, Sax, Trumpets and Strings. Then a host of percussion instruments: Conga, Guiro, Cowbell, Rainshaker, HiHat, Clave, Timpani, Bongos, and even some festive Sleigh Bells!

In detail expect to find 2.57Gb of 24 Bit Wav files. You will find 617 individual Loops with 73 Drum Loops, 44 Electric Bass Loops, 68 Guitar Loops, 33 Horn Loops, 61 Keys Loops, 18 Orchestral Loops, 59 Organ Loops, 54 Percussion Loops, 40 Piano Loops, 30 Synth Bass Loops, 70 Top Drum Loops and 67 Synth Loops. There are 372 individual Hits ? 123 Drum Hits [4 Claps, 16 Crashes, 17 Hats, 18 Kicks, 29 Percussion Hits, 21 Snares and 18 Toms], 15 Bass Hits, 8 Guitar Hits, 21 Horn Hits, and 18 Keys Hits. Also included is a selection of Multi-Sampled instruments: 5 Bass, 3 Keyboard and 2 Synth. 10 Kong kits for Reason are present, as well as 617 Apple Loops and 651 Rex2 Loops. Then finally 90 Software Sampler Patches for NNXT, Halion, Sfz, Kontakt and Esx24.

Loopmasters Dubmatix 配音侵略者繁多 |1.88 Gb

Loopmasters 目前配音侵略者,琳琅满目的免版税的配音,从行业爱好者 Dubmatix 注入样品。带给您最好的传统配音仪器送入一巴掌后延迟,重,悠闲的节奏与旋律的伴奏。

Dubmatix 具有混响、 节奏和雷鬼摇摆乐无情地创造性办法,并制定了独特签名声音和风格,是立即识别。配音侵略者提供纯舞厅火灾为你的作品,由专业会议音乐家,为生活 skankin 记录的总计 989 及其相关产品的个别 24 位 Wav 样本吗?感觉。

Ludwig & Gretsch 鼓用 1973年挡泥板 P 低音,沃里克低音、 Moog 弥诺陶洛斯模拟合成器和挡泥板精密低音 1973 年。尽力给这些文书真实边缘与效果列表,其中包括: 罗兰空间回声Re 150 & 合唱回声 SRE-555、 Carl 马丁光学信封,上世纪 70 年代弹簧混响,迷你弹簧动词,再 20 空间回声踏板和 MoogerFooger 模拟延迟。

包含在包中是大量的文书包括钢琴、 合成器、 警报器、 吉他、 低音、 角、 Sax、 喇叭和字符串。然后主机敲击乐器: 康茄舞、 Guiro、 铃、 Rainshaker、 帮别人、 磐石、 定音鼓、 手鼓和甚至一些节日的雪橇铃声!

详细期望找到 2.57 Gb 的 24 位 Wav 文件。你会发现 617 个别环路,73 鼓循环、 44 电气低音回路、 68 吉他循环、 33 角循环、 61 键循环、 18 管弦乐循环、 59 器官循环、 54打击乐循环、 40 钢琴循环、 30 Synth 低音循环、 70 顶鼓循环和 67 Synth 循环。有372 个人命中吗?123 鼓打 [4 掌声、 16 崩溃、 17 帽子、 18 踢、 29 打击乐命中、 21网罗和 18 汤姆斯] 15 低音命中 8 吉他演奏、 21 角命中,、 18 键点击。此外包括了多采样仪器的选择: 5 低音、 3 键盘和 2 合成器。10 香港工具包的理由是现在,以及 617 苹果循环和 651 Rex2 循环。然后最后 90 软件采样器和修补程序 NNXT、 Halion、 Sfz,开播Esx24。