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Refractor Audio Transport KONTAKT | 3.67 Gb

TRANSPORT marks the maiden voyage of Refractor Audio brought to you by Klayton (Celldweller) as it ascends to the stars. Blast off to the outer limits of sound design with a Kontakt Instrument that gives access to over 2000 unique samples created by Klayton in the Celldweller Spaceship. Create new sonic worlds with Transport by combining 5 unique sequencers along with the Transport Probability Engine to mix, mash, and modulate them into new and exciting sounds.

Transport plays loops in an unconventional and unpredictable manner. It is monophonic in the sense that it will only play one sample at a time, despite how many notes are played. However, at its core sits the ability to take a chosen set of loops and let the Probability Engine randomly jump between slices of those loops at varying rates, all synced to your DAW. Slice “in order” to ensure your kicks, snares, and other accents always land in logical spots, or “randomly” to allow the Probability Engine to make your patterns more unpredictable. After triggering one or more loops, create new variations using the 5 step sequencers which control volume, delay send, cutoff, pitch, and hold time. Sequence “in order” or “randomly” at a separate rate from the Probability Engine for constantly evolving rhythms that never repeat. Other features include keyswitch presets for changing patterns on the fly, keyswitch tuning which can be combined with the scale quantized pitch sequencer for arpeggios across different chords, a keyswitch slice repeater and stepper, velocity sensitivity, sustain pedal compatibility, and additional controls for each of the sequenced effects. Triggered, one-shot samples have not been forgotten in Transport, with over 600 sounds ranging from drums, to modular synth FX and cinematic impacts.


3.85 GB of unique samples

5 Step-Sequencers

101 Kontakt Instruments (NKI Files)

2000+ Samples in 24bit, 44.1 kHz Audio

1400+ Loops

650+ One-Shots

Includes Download of Celldweller "Transmissions Vol. 03" Digital Album

折射音频传输开播 |3.67 Gb

运输标志着折射音频给你带来的 Klayton (Celldweller),当它提升到星星的处女航。向外部界限的声音设计升空访问给超过 2000年独特样品由 Klayton Celldweller宇宙飞船的开播仪器。通过合并 5 独特音序器以及传输概率引擎混合,捣成泥,和调节它们变成新的和令人兴奋的声音,与运输创建声波的新世界。

运输中非常规的和不可预知的方式的循环。它是单声道的意义上说,它只会在一段时间,尽管多少的音符一个样本。然而,在其核心坐采取一空房的组循环和让这些环路以不同的费率,所有已同步到你昂山片之间随机跳转的概率引擎的能力。"按顺序"切片以确保你踢、 陷阱和其他的重音总是土地在逻辑点,或"随机"允许概率引擎,使您的模式更加难以预料。之后触发一个或多个循环,创建使用 5 步音序器,控制音量,延迟发送,截止,球场,和保持时间的新变化。"按顺序"或"随机"速度概率发动机的不断发展,永远不会重复的节奏是单独的序列。其他功能包括改变对飞,按键开关调谐模式按键开关预设规模量化沥青音序器为琶音可以跨不同的和弦,按键开关片中继器和步进,速度灵敏度上结合,维持踏板的兼容性和附加的控件为每个已排序的影响。触发,一次性样品不被遗忘在交通方面,与超过 600 的声音从鼓,到模块化合成器 FX 和电影的影响。


3.85 GB 的独特样品

5 步音序器

101 开播文书 (NKI 文件)

2000 + 样品在 24 位,44.1 k h z 音频

1400 + 的循环

650 + 一个镜头

包括下载 Celldweller"传输卷 03"数码相册