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Sonica KOTO 13 KONTAKT | 8.29 Gb

KOTO 13, an exquisitely crafted virtual 13-string koto — the first release in our new Virtuoso Japanese Series of Kontakt instruments. The 13-string koto is one of Japan’s most dignified traditional instruments. Capable of everything from elegant, single plucked notes to aggressive glissandos, the koto boasts a wide range of musical expressions and can add a dash of refinement and grace to traditional Japanese music, modern film scores, and many other genres.


Stunningly realistic 13-string koto reproduction thanks to precise recording and scripting

Up to eight velocity layers and four round-robin samples for natural sounding dynamics

26 koto articulations, all key switch selectable

Five banks of quintessential koto phrases, all key switch selectable

Plucking control function for full mastery over subtle, natural sounding plucked notes

Performance mode maps each of the 13 strings to a white key for easy performance of real koto glissandos and phrases

28 classic koto scales transposable into any key

User scale mode for creating custom scales for specific pieces

Stellar tone colors captured in full 24-bit, 96 kHz fidelity (library contains 24-bit, 44.1 kHz samples)

Samples recorded with multiple microphones, and the Direct, Overhead, Room, and Stereo Mix sources can be mixed independently to create unique sounds

48 built-in convolution reverb settings with individual channel reverb mixing

Sonica 江东 13 开播 |8.29 Gb

筝 13、 精心打造的虚拟 13 弦筝 — — 我们新开播日本演奏家系列文书中的第一个版本。13 弦筝是日本最有尊严的传统乐器之一。能干的一切从优雅、 单摘出来说明到侵略性 glissandos,江东拥有种类繁多的音乐表达方式和可以向日本传统音乐、现代电影配乐和许多其他流派添加少许的精致和优雅。


令人震惊的现实 13 弦筝再生产精确录音和脚本

最多 8 个速度层和四轮循样品自然声音动力学

26 江东关节,所有关键切换可选


摘摘笔记的微妙、 自然听起来完全掌控的控制功能

性能模式映射每个 13 字符串到容易和性能的真正筝 glissandos 短语的白键

28 经典筝尺度成任意键转座


恒星的音色捕获完整的 24 位,96 kHz 失真 (库包含 24 位,44.1 k h z 样品)

与多个麦克风,记录样本和直接、 开销、 室和立体声混音来源可以独立混合,以创建独特的声音

48 内置卷积混响设置单个通道混响混合