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Wave Alchemy Future Chill and Cinematic MULTiFORMAT | 1.49 Gb

A journey through emotive, organic sound, Future Chill & Cinematic fuses seductive Future Chill beats and growling analogue bass with cinematic strings, emotional pianos, found sound percussion and dreamy soundscapes. Blurring the lines between electronic and acoustic, this unique concept delivers endless inspiration for forward-thinking electronic music production and film scores alike! Expect to find quirky Chill Step drums, dusty glitch-laced beats & found sound, cinematic pianos, epic harps & koto, emotional strings, dirty subs, liquid synths and mutated orchestral elements…

What’s included in the sample pack?

Drum Loops – 124 future electronica beats, dusty rhythms, skippy chill-step grooves, foley-infused percussion, quirky glitch-laced analogue machines and much more… 31 full drum loops each including 4 variations (full, stripped, top, groove…)

Bass Loops – 29 menacing low-enders, liquid subs, growling analogue bass and evolving cinematic tones. Key-labelled throughout for ease of use

Distant Piano – 52 cinematic & emotional piano pieces that truly inspire… Featuring moody riffs, epic film score-inspired melodies, dreamy chords and much more… We have also included an additional 43 ‘extended’ piano loops, which include full reverb tails. Key-labelled throughout for ease of use

Melanphonia – 33 awe-inspiring Future Chill melodies; featuring cinematic harps, dreamy koto, liquid synth lines, mutated strings, dusty electric pianos and creatively processed organic orchestral elements… We have also included an additional 29 ‘extended’ loops, which include full reverb tails. Key-labelled throughout for ease of use

Dreaming Pads – 29 melodic chords, epic emotional pads and dreamlike ensembles… Key-labelled throughout for ease of use

Farplane – 15 otherworldly drones, endless atmospheres and dreamy synthscapes. Key-labelled throughout for ease of use

Drum Hits – 52 single hit drum sounds, each designed from the ground up using experimental found sound, analogue drum machines and creatively layered foley recordings

Sound Effects – 15 sound effects and atmospheric drones

MIDI Patterns – 116 MIDI files divided into ‘distant piano’ , ‘melanphonia’ and ‘pads’. This folder includes the MIDI patterns from all of the library’s melodic content

Ableton Live 9 Pack – Live pack featuring audio and midi clips, alongside sampler / simpler instruments for all drum hits and tones

Drum Kits – 14 ready-to-play drum kits & sampler patches for Battery, Kontakt, NN-XT, EXS24 Halion and SFZ

波炼金术未来寒冷和电影繁多 |1.49 Gb

通过情绪化的有机的声音、 未来冷藏 & 电影熔断器诱人未来冷静节拍和电影字符串、 情感的钢琴,发现声音打击乐与梦幻般的声音咆哮模拟低音的旅程。电子和声学之间的界限,这个独特的概念提供了无穷无尽的灵感,前卫电子音乐制作和电影配乐一样 !希望找到古怪的冷静步鼓、 尘土飞扬的小故障中掺入节拍 & 发现声音、电影钢琴、 史诗般的竖琴 & 筝、 情感字符串、 脏潜艇、 液体合成和突变的管弦乐元素......


循环鼓 — — 124 未来电子乐跳动,满是灰尘的节奏,skippy 寒意步槽、 foley 注入打击乐、 古怪故障中掺入模拟机和更多...31 充分鼓循环每个包括 4 变化 (...充分、剥离、 顶部、 槽)

低音循环 — — 29 威胁低恩德斯、 液体潜艇、 咆哮模拟低音和演变电影的色调。关键标记在整个的易用性

遥远的钢琴 — — 52 电影与情感的钢琴曲,真正激发...具有喜怒无常的是即兴的史诗电影得分灵感旋律、 梦幻般的和弦和更多...我们还包括另外 43 '扩展' 钢琴的圈,其中包括完整的混响的尾巴。关键标记在整个的易用性

Melanphonia — — 33 令人惊叹的未来放松旋律;特色电影弹琴,梦幻筝,液体 synth线突变字符串,满是灰尘的电钢琴和创造性地处理有机管弦乐元素......我们还包括额外的 29 '扩展' 循环,包括完整的混响的尾巴。关键标记在整个的易用性

梦想垫 — — 29 旋律和弦,史诗般的情感垫和梦幻合奏...关键标记在整个的易用性

Farplane — — 15 种超凡脱俗的无人机、 无休止的大气和梦幻 synthscapes。关键标记在整个的易用性

鼓打 — — 52 单命中的鼓的声音,每个被设计从一开始就使用实验发现声音、 模拟鼓机和创造性地分层 foley 录音

声音效果 — — 15 音效和大气无人驾驶飞机

MIDI 模式 — — 116 MIDI 文件分为遥远钢琴'、 'melanphonia' 和 '垫'。此文件夹包含从所有图书馆的旋律内容的 MIDI 模式

Live 9 包 — — 活包有特色的音频和 midi 视频,同时采样器 / 简单仪器为所有鼓命中和色调

鼓包 — — 14 准备玩鼓包与电池、 开播、 NN XT、 EXS24 Halion SFZ 采样器修补程序