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UNDRGRND Sounds Lo-Fi House WAV | 524 Mb

Raw, hazy and noise-injected house tools jammed from pure analogue sources. Packed with MPC and tape-trashed machine drum grooves, gritty blow-out basslines, dubby delay-drenched chords, hazy cloud-like pads, deep acid lines, ascending analogue synth whistles and obliterated FX, Lo-Fi House is all about battered, bumpin’ and basement-ready house music. Pure vibes for dayyyyyys!

Beats > Rolling and pumpin’ drum jams bashed out from the MPC with the scantest regard for hi-fi aesthetics. Think thudding kicks, crunchy snares, bouncing percs and heavy hats. Get the full mix and the stripped-out stems as standard.

Bass > Throbbin’ subs, undulating low-pass’d grooves, dark noise saturated tones and other assorted speaker-blown bass ammo. Raw-for-the-floor basslines bombs ready to detonate. Key labeled and ready to light.

Synths & Melodic Cuts > Scorching synth lines, bright re-sampled chords, dubby progressions, deep space transmissions, delay-drenched patterns, hammered discordant leads and washed-out electronics. Many come with stripped stems for maximum creative choice. Key information locked-in as standard.

Chords & Pads > Hazy textures, bliss-drenched chords, shimmering sonics and cloud-like atmospherics: high altitude pad work to take things on a gravity-free tip.

Drum Hits > Stacks of lo-fi tape-bashed, crunched-up and down-graded drum one-shots from a variety of analogue and found-sound sources. Comes with curated drum kits designed for proper lo-fi drum trax.

Extras > Folders of skittering hats, bouncing percs, raw bass shots and circuit-smashed FX transmissions round of this collection of hardcore, lo-fi tools.

UNDRGRND 声音低保真房子 WAV |524 mb

原始的、 朦胧的、 噪声注入房子工具纯模拟来源卡住了。挤满了 MPC 和磁带捣毁机器鼓槽、 低音贝斯柔和吹出坚韧不拔、 dubby 延迟浑身湿透的和弦,朦胧的云雾状垫、 深度酸线、 提升的模拟合成器口哨和闭塞的 FX,低保真房子都是受虐、 bumpin'、 地下室的房子音乐。Dayyyyyys 的的纯共鸣 !

节拍 > 轧制和跃动鼓被铁锤砸出从 scantest 高保真美学方面 MPC 的堵塞。想轰轰踢,嘎吱嘎吱的陷阱,跳跃的 perc 和沉重的帽子。得到充分混合和剥离出茎作为标准。

低音 > Throbbin' 潜艇,起伏的低通将槽、 暗噪声饱和色调以及其它各种各样的扬声器吹低音弹药。原料为地板低音贝斯柔和炸弹随时准备引爆。标记和准备对光的关键。

Synth & 旋律削减 > 炎炎 synth 线条,明亮的重采样的和弦,dubby 级数、 深空间传输,延迟浑身湿透的模式,锤不和谐的线索和冲蚀电子。其中许多是剥离茎为最大的创新性选择。关键信息锁定的作为标准。

和弦 & 垫 > 朦朦胧胧的纹理、 极乐透和弦、 波光粼粼的超音速和云般气氛︰ 高海拔垫工作无重力的提示上拿东西。

鼓打 > 成堆的低保真磁带砸伤了,嘎吱嘎吱,降档鼓一个镜头从各种模拟和发现声源。带有适当的低保真鼓 trax 为设计的策划的鼓包。

临时演员 > 文件夹的窜过脚边的帽子,跳跃的 perc,原始的低音镜头和电路捣破 FX传输圆的铁杆,低保真工具此集合。