CG数据库 >> 音效下载Orchestral Tools Berlin Woodwinds EXP D SFX Woodwind Effects KONTAKT

音效下载Orchestral Tools Berlin Woodwinds EXP D SFX Woodwind Effects KONTAKT的图片1

KONTAKT | 14.22 GB

Berlin Woodwinds Exp D SFX Collection expands our wonderfully captured Berlin Series with playable multi-sampled tonal and atonal effects. It is recorded with the level of flexibility and depth of sampling the Berlin Series is renowned for since its first Collection release.

Playable Premium Effects

Instead of thousands of different one shot effects, we decided to have all effects available across the full natural instrument ranges, with several dynamic layers and round robins to make these patches really playable.

Individual instruments as well as special sections let you build your own unique woodwind orchestrations and custom effect combinations. Berlin Woodwinds Exp D SFX includes an extensive set of Runs, Whirling Staccatos, Rips, Overblown Staccatos, Bending Sustains, Jet Whistles and never before recorded Flutter-Tongue True Legato and Clarinet Glissando Legato.

Carver's Low Bassoon Ensemble

The Carver's Low Bassoon Ensemble offers a massive sound with a character never heard before. 3 Contra Bassoons and 3 Bassons are playing in octaves or in unison, depending on the effect and articulation you choose.

Recorded at the Teldex Scoring Stage with first-class musicians from Berlin, this collection offers an unparalleled sonic standard and fits perfectly with the Berlin Woodwinds main collection.

The Berlin Woodwinds Exp D SFX Collection is based on CAPSULE for the NI Kontakt 5 Full version sampler.






- Single Instruments and Sections

for individual and flexible Woodwind FX writing and orchestrating

- Playable Effects: Each articulation is recorded with its full range, different dynamic layers and most of them with round robins for remarkable realism and flexibility.

- Flutter-Tongue Special True Legato

up to a major 3rd - never before recorded for Piccolo, Flute and Clarinet

- Clarinet Glissando Special True Legato

up to a major 3rd

- Carver's Low Bassoon Ens:

3 Contrabassoons + 3 Bassoons in octaves

- Carver's Low Bassoon Ens Special True Legato

- Whirling Staccati + Sustains, Overblown Staccs, Rips, Runs, Clusters and much more...

- Recorded at the Teldex Scoring Stage


30 GB of samples (14,7 GB compressed)

24Bit / 48KHz Patches

IMPORTANT: You need the Kontakt 5.5.1 full version sampler to run this library!

开播 |14.22 GB

柏林木管乐器 Exp D SFX 集合扩展我们奇妙捕获的柏林系列播放多重采样色调和无调性的影响。它记录水平的灵活性和深度采样柏林系列的第一次集合发布以来是闻名的。



个人文书以及特殊路段让您构建自己的独特的木管乐器业务流程和自定义的效果组合。柏林木管乐器 Exp D SFX 包括一套广泛的运行,婆娑的断奏,撕裂,夸大其辞的断奏,弯曲支撑,射流口哨和从未记录颤振舌头真正 Legato 和单簧管滑音连奏。


卡弗的低巴松管合奏与以前从未听说过一个字符提供了一个大规模的良好。巴松管魂斗罗 3 和 3 Bassons 正在玩在八度音阶或步调一致,效果和清晰度你选择。

记录在 Teldex 评分阶段与一流音乐家从柏林,此集合提供了无与伦比的声波标准,非常适合与柏林木管乐器主要集合。

柏林木管乐器 Exp D SFX 集合基于胶囊的镍开播 5 完整版本采样器。






为个人和灵活的木管乐器 FX 编写和编排

-播放效果︰ 每个关节被记录其全系列、 不同的动态层与大多数都采用轮知更鸟的卓越的现实主义和灵活性。


最主要的第三-以前从来没有记录为短笛、 长笛和单簧管



-卡弗低巴松管 Ens:

3 contrabassoons + 3 低音管在八度音阶

-卡弗低巴松管 Ens 特别真实的 Legato

-旋转 Staccati + 材,夸大其辞的 Staccs、 撕裂、 运行、 集群和更多...

-记录在 Teldex 评分阶段


30 GB 的样品 (14,7 GB 压缩)

24 位/48 KHz 的修补程序

重要的是︰ 你需要开播 5.5.1 完整版取样器来运行此库 !