CG数据库 >> 音效下载DABRO Music Chillstep 2 MULTiFORMAT

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DABRO Music Chillstep 2 MULTiFORMAT | 2.96 Gb

Pushing all boundaries DABRO Music bring this legendary unique Chillstep Sample Pack direct and exclusively to you.

You can expect to find a plethora of fully useable material spread over loops, breaks, single hits, fully expandable to genres including Melodic Dubstep, Chillstep, Chill Trap and Future Bass. This pack is a ground breaker, from chunky weight fresh breaks, to ethereal soundscapes, to deep humming basslines with a dirty edge.

Once again DABRO delivers on all counts with funk, grime and emotion with Blissed out chords, surreal hooks, melodic riffs, melting pads to pumping synths.

In Detail expect to find 3.7 GB including 79 Bass Loops, 113 Drum Loops, 79 Top Loops, 158 Music Loops, 128 Drum Hits, 16 Bass Hits, 15 Synth Hits, 429 Rex2 Files, 75 Soft Sampler Patches (EXS24, Kontakt 5.5.2+), 10 Multi sampled Bass Instruments, 56 SFX, 10 Multi sampled Synth Instruments, 120 MIDI Files, 6 Ableton Live 9 (9.6.2+) Demo Projects, 6 Logic Pro X (10.2.4) Demo Projects as wel as 23 WAV Demo Stems. Tempos range from 90 - 160 BPM and all key and tempo information can be found within the file names for ease of use.

DABRO 音乐 Chillstep 2 繁多 |2.96 Gb

推进 DABRO 音乐带给这个传奇的、 独特的 Chillstep 样品包直接和专门为你的所有边界。

你可以指望找到大量的完全可用材料遍布环路、 工间休息、 完全可扩展至流派包括旋律 Dubstep、 Chillstep、 冷静的陷阱和未来低音的唯一命中。此包是地面断路器,从矮矮胖胖的体重新鲜的休息时间,到空灵的声音,到深嗡嗡低音贝斯柔和与肮脏的边缘。

再一次 DABRO 提供了对所有计数,放克,布满污垢和情感与 Blissed 出和弦、 超现实的钩子、 旋律的即兴演奏,融化到抽 synth 垫。

详细期望找到 3.7 GB 包括 79 低音循环,113 鼓循环,79 顶部循环、 158 音乐循环、 128 鼓命中,16 低音命中,15 Synth 命中,429 Rex2 文件,75 软采样器补丁(EXS24,开播 5.5.2+),10 多采样低音乐器,56 SFX,10 多采样 Synth 文书、 120MIDI 文件、 6 Ableton 生活 9 (9.6.2+) 演示项目以及 23 WAV 演示茎 6 逻辑 Pro X(10.2.4) 演示项目。节奏,范围从 90-160 BPM 和所有的密钥和节奏的信息可以发现内易于使用的文件名称。