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Wave Alchemy Tech House MULTiFORMAT | 1.84 Gb

Inspired by the thriving Tech House scene and pioneering labels such as Suara, Toolroom, Snatch and Hot Creations - Tech House fuses rough and ready with uplifting and melodic, delivering a fresh, up-to-the-minute collection of down & dirty drum grooves, twisted synth lines, throbbing basslines, vocals and sound effectss

Filled with hard & heavy Tech House beats, tribal-tinged percussion, washed-out chords, twisted synths, shuffling tops & shakers, groove-heavy basslines, quirky vocals, drum hits & FX hits, alongside inspiring track-starters and MIDI files for each melodic loop, Tech House delivers 1.7GB of stunningly produced sample content!

What’s included in the sample pack?

Drum Loops - 156 down & dirty beats, driving drums and mainroom grooves… 32 full drum loops each including 4-5 variations (full, stripped, top, groove…)

Bass Loops – 32 throbbing low-enders, monstrous subs and melodic floor-fillers. Key-labelled throughout for ease of use

Synth Loops – 36 twisted synth lines, wash-out chords and dirty analogue leads. Key-labelled throughout for ease of use

Creative Tools - 6 full track-starter ideas, guaranteed to inspire… Each kit delivers a full mix, along with all stems broken down into individual loops. MIDI and presets for Massive and Sylenth are also included for each kit

Percussion Loops – 37 dark and deep tribal grooves, vocal infused ensembles and driving percussion workouts…

Top Loops – 37 unique kick-free add-on loops, swinging hats, gritty tops and contemporary groove assist tools

Vocal loops – 31 creatively processed vocal cuts, shouts and phrases - including warped voices, re-pitched stutter effects and moody vocal phrases

Shaker Loops – 30 monstrous, swinging and creatively layered shaker loops, perfect for adding groove and movement to your beats…

Sound Effects – 30 tempo-synced FX loops, epic risers & falls, bottomless impacts, transitions and atmospheres

Drum Hits & Tones - 265 production-ready kick drums, snare drums, hi-hats, percussion, vocal stabs, synth hits and much more…

MIDI Patterns – 82 MIDI files divided into ‘bass’ and ‘synth’ patterns. This folder includes the MIDI patterns from all of the library’s Bass and Synth loops

Ableton Live 9 Pack – Live pack featuring audio and midi clips, alongside sampler / simpler instruments for all drum hits and tones

Drum Kits – 15 ready-to-play drum kits & sampler patches for Ableton, Battery, Kontakt, NN-XT, EXS24 Halion and SFZ

Recorded at 123 BPM

波炼金术科技房子繁多 |1.84 Gb

蓬勃发展的科技馆现场受到启发和开拓标签之声、 工具室、 抢夺等热创作-科技馆融合粗糙,并准备同令人振奋的旋律,提供新鲜的、 最新的集合下来 & 脏鼓槽,扭曲的 synth 线、 悸动低音贝斯柔和,人声和声音 effectss

充满了硬 & 重科技馆节拍、 部落染打击乐、 冲蚀和弦,扭曲的合成器,洗牌上衣 &呼风唤雨,槽重低音贝斯柔和,古怪的人声,鼓命中 & FX 命中,除了鼓舞人心的轨道起动器和 MIDI 文件的每个旋律的 for 循环,科技馆提供 1.7 GB 的惊人制作的示例内容 !


鼓式循环-156 下 & 脏节拍,驾驶鼓和主楼客房沟槽...32 充分鼓循环每个包括 4-5 变化 (...充分、 剥离、 顶部、 槽)

低音循环 — — 32 悸动低恩德斯、 可怕的潜艇和旋律地板填料。关键标记在整个的易用性

Synth 循环 — — 36 扭曲的 synth 线、 洗出和弦和脏模拟潜在顾客。关键标记在整个的易用性

创造性的工具-6 充分跟踪起动器思想,保证激励...每个套件提供了充分的混合,以及所有茎分解成单个的线圈。MIDI 和预设为大规模和 Sylenth 中还包括每个套件

打击乐循环 — — 37 的黑暗和神秘的部落沟槽,声乐注入合奏和驾驶打击乐训练......

高循环 — — 37 独特踢免费附加循环,挥舞帽子,坚韧不拔的上衣和当代槽协助工具

声乐的循环 — — 31 创造性地处理声乐削减、 喊叫或短语-包括扭曲的声音,重新音调的口吃影响和喜怒无常的声乐短语

振动筛循环 — — 30 滔天,摆动和创造性地分层振动筛循环,完美的将槽和运动添加到你的心跳......

声音效果 — — 30 节奏同步的 FX 循环,史诗 riser 卡 & 瀑布,深不见底的影响、过渡和大气

滚筒命中 & 色调-265 生产准备踢鼓、 小军鼓、-帽子、 打击乐、 声乐刺中,synth点击率和更多...

MIDI 模式 — — 82 MIDI 文件分为低音' 和 '合成' 模式。此文件夹包含 MIDI 模式从所有图书馆的低音和 Synth 循环

Live 9 包 — — 活包有特色的音频和 midi 视频,同时采样器 / 简单仪器为所有鼓命中和色调

鼓包 — — 15 准备玩鼓包 & Ableton、 电池、 开播,NN XT、 EXS24 Halion 和 SFZ 采样器修补程序

在 123 BPM 记录