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5Pin Media Tech House Grooves MULTiFORMAT | 1.58 Gb

It's all about the groove…, yes we keep saying it and we are proud to say it again with our latest release, Tech House Grooves. Step inside our tech groove grotto for a diverse selection of grooves carefully sculpted for every mood and feel from bumping to jacking and from dark to deep, this collection has all your Tech production bases covered and as always with this genre, don't expect to be locked to the grid.

So what's on offer? Think big and then think versatile and you are bang on target. At it's core you will find 32 Drum kits driven by groovalicious 5Pin MIDI resulting in the rendering of 128 unique full drum loops. All the full drum loops have then been broken down into Hats, No-Kick and Stripped versions totalling 512 loops. We stopped short at providing the percussion parts separate because with the various formats of drum kits available, combined with the MIDI, these can easily be created and/or edited to suit your track. We have also consciously provided all the One-Shots with the Loops Pack Versions if working with MIDI isn't your bag and you wish to add layers and edits such as fills and rolls.

To add spice to the drums we have included a selection of 48 Bass Patches spawning 48 Bass Loops and associated MIDI plus 32 Stab Patches. Of course there is much more, so be sure to check out the Tech Specs for all the available formats and what else is included. Once again the flexibility of MIDI combined with exceptional sounds lies at the heart of this library giving you, the producer, the freedom to take your productions in whichever creative direction you choose.


• Expanded drum loops for maximum flexibilty.

• Musical Key information provided for all Bass/Music MIDI and WAV Loops.

• 5Pin Media "Project" style Drum Mapping for interchangeable MIDI Grooves and intuitive playing with Push and Maschine Controllers.

• Live 9 Projects featuring 80 Sampler Instruments designed with sound shaping macros and 32 Drum Racks.

• Maschine 2 kits featuring 32 Drum Groups, 48 Basses and 32 Stabs.

• MIDI, Acid-WAV, Apple and REX2 Loop formats.

• NNXT, Kontakt3, Live9, Maschine2, Halion, EXS24 and SFZ Sample formats.

5 芯媒体科技馆的凹槽繁多 |1.58 Gb


所以上的报价是什么?认为大,然后想多才多艺和你目标上的爆炸。在它的核心,你会发现 32 鼓包由 groovalicious 5 芯 MIDI 驱动导致循环独特充分鼓 128 的呈现。所有循环的充分鼓然后成草帽,不踢和脱去版本共 512 循环分解。我们突然停下来,在提供的打击乐部分分开因为与鼓包可用的各种格式,结合 MIDI,这些可以很容易被创建或编辑,以适合你的轨道。我们也有意识地提供所有一个镜头与循环包版本如果使用 MIDI 不是你的包并且你想要添加图层和填充的编辑和卷。

要添加香料鼓声我们有包括 48 低音补丁产卵 48 低音循环选择及相关 MIDI 加 32 刺修补程序。当然还有很多,所以一定要查阅技术规格为所有可用的格式以及什么是包括在内。再一次的 MIDI 灵活性结合特殊声音谎言在这个库,为你,生产商、 自由采取你的作品在哪种创作方向的心你选择。


• 扩大鼓循环的最大保证。

• 提供所有的低音/音乐 MIDI 和 WAV 循环的音乐键信息。

• 5 芯媒体"项目"风格鼓映射可互换的 MIDI 槽和直观玩推和 Maschine 控制器。

• 现场 9 项目设有 80 采样仪器设计与声音塑造宏和 32 鼓架。

• Maschine 2 套设有 32 鼓组、 48 低音和 32 刺伤。

• MIDI、 酸 WAV、 苹果和 REX2 循环的格式。

• NNXT、 Kontakt3、 Live9、 Maschine2、 Halion、 EXS24 和 SFZ 样本格式。