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音效下载Zero-G ETHERA Soul Edition KONTAKT的图片1

Zero-G ETHERA Soul Edition KONTAKT | 715 Mb

Hot on the heels of the critically acclaimed ETHERA comes another fabulous vocal Kontakt instrument the ETHERA SOUL EDITION which combines stunning Soul and Gospel vocal samples, incredible simplicity and a high degree of playability all packed into the same beautiful Kontakt interface for total ease-of use and ultimate sound manipulation.

Ethera Soul Edition features 4 main instruments: Phrases, Phrase Builder, Sustains and Choir Legato:

The Phrases section includes 12 patches full of soul and gospel vocal phrases. These can be mixed and combined and using the two Off-Set controls you can change the starting points of the samples using the waveform display. This allows you to create new phrases and to personalise the existing phrases. These phrases can be manipulated in many ways by the GUI controls including time-stretching or syncing to your host application.

The Phrase Builder is a set of samples and phrases programmed to act as an intelligent entity allowing the composer to live-play any articulation, on any pitch or chord. The Phrase Builder is available in Solo Legato & Polyphonic modes. You can use up to 20 individual steps (similar to a step sequencer) to program your phrase as you wish.

The Sustain section offers the ability to ‘play’ the voice of Ethera Soul using ‘ohs’ and ‘ahs’ and choirs in sustained modes.

The Choir Legato instrument features a choir and a Legato Expert interface which uses the powerful SIPS engine and is the main control for the Legato Phrases Builder. With this Tab you can change and control the cross-fade, blend and modulation offset amongst other controls. It will enable you to adjust the legato to suit your playing style. The Legato Expert interface is also available for use in the Phrase Builder Legato instrument.

Ethera Soul Edition also comes fully equipped with a complete FX section that includes chorus, flanger and phaser, compressor, EQ, filter, convolution reverb, overdrive, delay, amp simulator and cabinet simulator.


• Over 1.2GB Of 24-Bit 48Khz Uncompressed WAVE Format Samples

• Phrases & Songs With 2 Sync Modes & Legato Mode

• Phrase Builder With Legato & Poly Modes And 30 Different Phrases

• Legato Expert Mode Tab

• GUI With Simple Controls & Fully Automated Midi Controllers

• Full Choir Oh & Uh With Crescendo

• FX Rack

• Fantastic Virtual Legato

• Attack & Release Sample Time - Volume Control

• Natural Vibrato (Mod Wheel) - Vibrato Rate Control

• Ahh, Ohh & Mmm - Vocal Sound Sustain Patches

• Two Offset Sample Start Control On Phrases

• Waveform Display Of Phrases

• The Unique Voice Of Highly Acclaimed Vocalist Clara Sorace

• Requirements: Native Instruments Kontakt 5.6.0+ or higher.

零 G ETHERA 灵魂版开播 |715 mb

热上的好评 ETHERA 高跟鞋来另一个神话般的声乐开播乐器 ETHERA 灵魂版结合令人惊叹的灵魂与福音声乐样品,令人难以置信的简单和高度可玩性都打包放入同一美丽开播的接口,总易用性的使用和最终的声音操作。

Ethera 灵魂版特色 4 主要文书︰ 词组、 短语生成器、 材和唱诗班 Legato:

短语部分包括 12 修补程序完整的灵魂,福音的声乐短语。这些可以混合和结合和使用两个集关闭控件,您可以更改使用波形显示样品的起始点。这允许您创建新的短语,个性化的现有的短语。可以在许多方面操纵这些短语,由包括时间拉伸或同步到您的主机应用程序的 GUI 控件。

短语 Builder 是一套样品和编程,以作为智能实体允许作曲家生活戏剧任何衔接,在任何的音调或和弦的短语。短语生成器是在独奏 Legato & 复调模式中可用。你可以使用达 20 个别步骤 (类似于一个步音序器) 进行编程您的短语,如你所愿。

支撑部分提供 '玩' 的 Ethera 灵魂声音的能力在持续模式中使用 'ohs' 和 'ahs' 和唱诗班。

唱诗班 Legato 的仪器功能的使用的强大的 SIP 引擎和是 Legato 的短语生成器的主要控制接口一个唱诗班与 Legato 的专家。与此选项卡可以更改和控制交叉淡入淡出、 混合和调制其他控件之间的偏移量。它将使您可以调整 legato 以适应您的演奏风格。Legato 专家界面也是可在该短语生成器 Legato 的文书中使用的。

Ethera 灵魂版还配备充分完整的外汇部分,包括合唱、 镶边和相移器、 压缩机、 情商、 筛选器、 卷积混响、 超速、 延迟、 amp 模拟器和内阁模拟器。


• 1.2 GB 以上的 24 位 48 Khz 未压缩波格式样本

• 短语 & 2 同步模式 & Legato 模式的歌曲

• 短语生成器 Legato & 聚模式与 30 不同的短语

• Legato 专家模式选项卡

• GUI 与简单的控制及全自动化的 Midi 控制器

• 满唱诗班哦 & 呃渐强

• FX 机架

• 神奇虚拟 Legato

• 攻击 & 发布样本时间-音量控制

• 自然颤音 (Mod 轮)-颤音速率控制

• 啊,哦 & 嗯-声乐声持续修补程序

• 两个偏移量的样本开始控制对短语

• 波形显示的短语

• 高度赞誉的歌手克拉拉 Sorace 的独特声音

• 要求︰ 本机文书开播 5.6.0+ 或更高。