CG数据库 >> 音效下载Black Octopus Sound Heart Anthems WAV MiDi MASSiVE

音效下载Black Octopus Sound Heart Anthems WAV MiDi MASSiVE的图片1

Black Octopus Sound Heart Anthems WAV MiDi MASSiVE | 582 Mb

Russian ninja producer Constant Z brings his exquisite expertise to Black Octopus Sound with the Heart Anthems sample pack! This essential collection of heart wrenching melodies, crisp next level drums, and thumping basses is a must have for any main stage music producer.

For any producer who is wanting a big emotional sound that moves people’s soul and inspires awe on every dance floor; this pack is a direct access point. This pack includes 291 high quality, perfectly mastered and processed Wav and Midi files so you can make jaw dropping hits. From huge basslines, to uplifting melodies, expertly processed synth loops, midi files so you can add your own synth patches, and top level one shots; this pack has EVERYTHING you need to make a chart topping hit. All sounds are labelled with tempo and key information for ease of use. This pack also includes 28 Native Instrument Massive presets as an added bonus!

Product Specifications:

• Format: WAVs/MIDIs/Synthesizer VST Presets

• 008 x Full Construction Kits (Including Stems/Loops, MIDIs, One-Shots Files)

• 072 x Stems/Loops

• 180 x One-Shots

• 031 x MIDIs Files

• 027 x Bonus Native Instruments Massive Presets

• Key And Tempo-Labelled

• 44.1kHz 24-Bit High Quality

• Compatible With All DAWs

• PC & Mac Compatible

• All Samples In This Pack Are Royalty-Free

• Produced By Constant Z

黑八达通声音心国歌 WAV MiDi 大规模 |582 mb

俄罗斯忍者生产者不断 Z 他精湛的专业知识对黑八达通声音带心国歌样品包 !此基本集合的心痛苦的旋律,酥的下一级别鼓,然后咚咚低音是必须对任何主舞台音乐制作人。

为任何生产者谁想大的情感声音移动人的灵魂,激励着每一个舞池; 敬畏此包是一个直接接入点。此包包括 291 高质量,完美地掌握和处理 Wav 和 Midi 文件,您可以点击令人叹为观止。从巨大的低音贝斯柔和,令人振奋的旋律,到熟练地处理合成回路,midi 文件,因此您可以添加您自己 synth 的修补程序和顶尖水平的一个拍摄;这包有一切你需要使图表一流的命中。所有的声音都与易用性的使用节奏和关键信息的标签。此包还包括 28 本机仪器大量预设作为额外的奖励 !


• 格式︰ 水波/MIDIs/合成器 VST 预设

• 008 x 全面建设套件 (包括茎/循环,MIDIs,一个镜头文件)

• 072 x 茎/循环

• 180 x 一个镜头

• 031 x MIDIs 文件

• 027 x 奖金本机仪器大量预设

• 关键和节奏贴上的标签

• 44.1 k h z 24 位高品质

• 兼容所有 Daw

• PC 与 Mac 兼容

• 在此包中的所有样本都是免版税

• 由恒定 Z