CG数据库 >> 音效下载Orchestral Tools METROPOLIS ARK 2 Orchestra of the Deep KONTAKT

音效下载Orchestral Tools METROPOLIS ARK 2 Orchestra of the Deep KONTAKT的图片1


The follow-up to the highly successful Metropolis Ark 1 presents epicness in a shape you wouldn’t expect. Deep, wide and low. The true power arises from the low dynamics.

The Mighty High Strings (24 Violins), Mid Strings (10 Violas, 8 Celli), and Low Strings (8 Celli, 12 Basses) deliver so far undetected possibilities for orchestral strings pads.

Unique Brass Ensembles (Fluegelhorns, Wagner Tubas, Bass Trumpets, Tubas, Euphoniums) give the freedom to create extraordinary-sounding brass arrangements.

The Woodwind sections (Alto Flutes, Bass Flutes, Bass Clarinets, Contrabass Clarinets) redefine the classical applications for woodwinds. They go low, really low.

On top of this we made 3 different choirs out of men, woman, and even the innocent voices of children. The full range of singing beneath your fingertips: From the deepest voice of a lord of the underground, up to an angel, whispering on his cloud. Additionally, we created unprecedented sections like the Correns Harps (6 Harp ensemble) and Glamer Pianos (3 Steinway piano ensemble). Topped with a bizarre Harmonium, a Positif Organ, and a lot of useful atmospheric percussion instruments and boomers, Metropolis Ark 2 is the unrivaled all-in-one solution to create epic music at its low dynamic scope.

Loyal to one of the best decisions we ever made: Metropolis Ark 2 was recorded at the fabulous-sounding Teldex Scoring Stage in Berlin.

The distinctive balanced room, which isn´t too wet or too dry, paired with the best microphones that were built across the last 5 decades, invigorates our Berlin Series as well as the Metropolis Ark Series.

CAPSULE, the most flexible articulation management system on the market, is the technical heart of Metropolis Ark 2. Apply legato transitions to every articulation you want, morph and blend between up to four articulations, build your own patches, set up key switches the way you want them, get full control over microphones and panning.

Customize your personal workflow with CAPSULE.


Instead of pre-mixed sections, METROPOLIS ARK 2 offers pure and unprocessed instrument groups to give you all the flexibility to arrange your own orchestrations.


- Specifically designed for Epic music

- DISTRICT I - ORCHESTRA: Strings, Woodwinds, Brass, Harp Ensemble

- DISTRICT II - CHOIR: Children, Woman, Basso Profundo


- DISTRICT IV - KEYS: Soft Piano, Piano Ensemble, Harmonium, Positif Organ

- 21 Sections/ Instruments

- Extensive Articulation Sets

- True Legato for nearly all sections!

- Based on CAPSULE for KONTAKT Player

- Works with the free Kontakt Player or Kontakt 5.5.1 full

- 110 GB of samples (54 GB NCW compressed)

- 24Bit / 48KHz Patches

开播 |圣诞快乐 |53.66 GB

非常成功的大都会方舟 1 后续介绍 epicness 中你不会期望一个形状。深,宽且低。真正的力量来自于低动力学。

强大的高串 (24 小提琴),中期的字符串 (10 中提琴,8 席林) 和低 (8 席林,12 低音) 交付的弦乐垫为止还没有发现的可能性。

独特的铜管合奏 (Fluegelhorns,瓦格纳低音大喇叭,低音喇叭,低音大喇叭,Euphoniums) 给自由打造非凡测深黄铜安排。

木管乐器部分 (中音长笛、 低音长笛、 低音单簧管,低音大提琴单簧管) 重新定义为木管乐器的经典应用。他们走低,很低很低。

在此之上,我们做了 3 不同的合唱团,男人,女人,和甚至无辜儿童的声音。全方位的歌唱在你的指尖下︰ 从最深的地下,一个天使,他云耳语到耶和华的声音。此外,我们创造了前所未有的部分,如通俗化 Harps (6 竖琴合奏) 和 Glamer 钢琴(3 施坦威钢琴合奏)。都市方舟 2 配上古怪的风琴,粲然器官,以及大量的有用大气打击乐器和婴儿潮一代,是无与伦比的多功能一体解决方案,以在其低动态范围内创建史诗般的音乐。

最好的决定之一忠于我们做过︰ 都市方舟 2 阶段神话般测深 Teldex 得分录得柏林。

独特的平衡的房间,其中 isn´t 太湿或太干,搭配被修造在过去 5 年来最好的麦克风,鼓舞我们柏林系列以及大都市柜系列。

胶囊,最灵活的铰接管理系统在市场上,是大都市方舟 2 的技术核心。适用于每一个表达你想要变形和最多四个关节之间进行混合,建立你自己的补丁的 legato 过渡,设置键切换的方式,你想要他们,麦克风和平移得到完全控制。



而预混合的部分路段,大都会方舟 2 提供纯和未加工的文书组给你所有的灵活性来安排自己的业务流程。



-I 区-乐团︰ 字符串、 木管乐器、 铜管、 竖琴合奏

-区 II-唱诗班︰ 孩子,女人,低音浑厚

-第 III 区-史诗打击乐

-区四-键︰ 软钢琴,钢琴合奏,风琴,粲然器官

-21 节 / 器械


-真正的连奏的几乎所有章节 !


-免费的开播球员或开播 5.5.1 充分的作品

-110 GB 的样品 (54 GB 网络中心战压缩)

-24 位/48 KHz 的修补程序