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Wave Alchemy Revolution KONTAKT | 6.84 Gb

Imagine the dream of owning a studio filled with the most influential Drum Machines of our time. Imagine having instant access to the TRUE authentic sound of the iconic TR-909, 808, 606, 707, CR-78, Linndrum, Drumtraks, Drumulator, OB-DX and many others. Imagine a world where this dream becomes reality.

Revolutionize your studio

Revolution - The most authentic virtual drum machine plugin ever created. Revolution is a deeply produced Drum Machine faithfully delivering 14 of the world’s most iconic Drum Machines directly to your DAW, inside a single ground-breaking virtual instrument. For the first time ever, a plugin delivers the true sound of the most influential Drum Machines of our time – 808, 909, 606, 707, 727, 505, CR-78, CR-8000, Linndrum, Drumtraks, Drumulator, OB-DX, SP-12. Revolution is much more than just an emulation however – It’s about creating new, powerful sounds that push boundaries. It’s drum production redefined.

It’s all about the sound

Revolution’s sound engine is powered by many tens of thousands of samples, capturing every possible sound / tone variation and nuance of the original drum machines, along with the subtle differences in behaviour inherent of analogue electronics. Each sound has been carefully recorded via a transformer balanced Radial JDI and brought to line level with a NEVE 1073 / API 512c pre-amp. To retain the full frequency range and dynamics of the original instruments, we carefully matched the peak level of each drum, recording them through mastering grade conversion. Revolution is not a digital ‘emulation’, it is the REAL authentic sound of 14 of the world’s most iconic, sought-after drum machines.

Build your dream Drum Machine

Effortlessly load a different ‘Drum Machine’ of your choice into any of the 14 Drum Voice Modules to build your own modular dream Drum Machine! Have you ever dreamt of using a Drum Machine boasting an 808 kick, 909 snare, 707 toms, 606 cymbals and Linndrum percussion? Now you can – the choice is yours. Browse hundreds of beautifully designed presets and thousands of sequencer patterns to quickly spark your inspiration.

Revolutionary Integration

Revolution integrates seamlessly with your DAW, delivering endless inspiration and a compelling workflow to spark creativity. The beautiful user interface has been designed with both the composer and live musician in mind – All Drum Machines and tone shaping parameters are visible via one intuitive screen through use of dynamic graphics. Easily automate all analogue parameters using Revolution’s expressive multi-track step sequencer, or use the alternative classic drum computer sequencer for an experience similar to the original machines… Tempo sync is automatic, and exporting a sequences’ MIDI data to your sequencer is simple via drag and drop.

Adding character

Want to add extra character and punch? Many of the Drum Machines in Revolution have been carefully recorded to analogue tape at multiple saturation levels (via a Studer A820), as well as through a vintage SP-1200 sampler and boutique high-end analogue processing chains. Revolution’s unique ‘Character’ knob allows you to dial in a desired ‘Character’ for each individual Drum Machine Module. Want a raw sounding, true to the original 808 Bass Drum? Want an analogue tape saturated 909 Snare Drum? How about a gritty SP-1200 processed Linndrum clap? Revolution makes it possible!

World class effects

Revolution features a breathtakingly suite of high-end effects, filters and dynamics processors. Add space to your drums with Revolution’s beautiful sounding dual reverb module - packed with 160 custom high-end impulses from iconic reverb units such as the Lexicon 300L, AKG BX20 Spring, AMS RMX16 and many others, alongside wonderful acoustic rooms from world class studios, recorded with multiple mic positions. Add definition to your drums with Revolution’s unique analogue style filters and envelopes. Enhance character and tone with transient shapers, EQs, compressors and tape saturation – each available independently, per drum sound! Control your dynamics with Revolution’s Master Effects module, or twist sounds into oblivion with the in-built dual-channel delay.

波炼金术革命开播 |6.84 Gb

想象一下梦想拥有一间工作室,充满了我们这个时代最具影响力的鼓机。想象一下,有真实的真实声音的标志性的 TR-909、 808、 606、 707、 即时访问 CR 78、Linndrum、 Drumtraks、 Drumulator、 OB DX 和其他许多人。想象一个世界,在那里这一梦想变成现实。


革命 — — 有史以来最真实的虚拟鼓机插件。革命是忠实地直接向你昂山内单一的突破性虚拟仪器提供世界上最具标志性的鼓机 14 深深地生产滚筒机。有史以来第一次,一个插件提供真实声音的最具影响力的我们的时间 – 808、 909、 606、 707、727、 505,鼓机 CR-78,CR 8000、 Linndrum、 Drumtraks、 Drumulator、 OB-DX,SP-12。革命不过是更多只是仿真 — — 它是创造新的、 强大的声音推边界。它的鼓生产重新定义。


革命的声音引擎是由许多数以万计的样品,捕获每个可能的声音 / 语调变化和细微差别的原始的鼓机,一直与行为固有的模拟电子的细微差别。每个声音已经被仔细地记录通过变压器平衡径向 JDI 并提请行级别与 NEVE 1073 / API 512 c 前置放大器。若要保留的全频率范围和动态的原文书,我们仔细匹配每一个鼓,峰值的水平记录他们通过掌握等级转换。革命不是一种数字仿真,它是真正的真实声音的世界上最具代表性的抢手鼓机 14。


毫不费力地装入任何 14 鼓声音模块,打造你自己的模块化梦鼓机不同 '鼓机' 您所选择的 !你是否梦想过使用吹嘘 808 踢、 909 网罗、 707 汤姆斯、 606 钹和 Linndrum 敲击鼓机?现在你可以 — — 什么是你的选择。浏览数百个设计精美的预设和数以千计的音序器模式来快速激发你的灵感。


革命与你昂山,提供无穷无尽的灵感和令人信服的工作流来激发创造力无缝集成。与作曲家和活音乐家牢记 — — 所有的鼓机设计了漂亮的用户界面和语气成形参数可见通过一个直观的画面,通过使用动态图形。很容易自动化所有模拟参数使用革命的表现力多轨步音序器,或使用替代经典鼓计算机音序器的经验类似于原始的机器...节奏同步是自动的并将序列的 MIDI 数据导出到您音序器是简单通过拖拽。


想要添加额外的字符和拳吗?许多在革命中的鼓机已经被仔细记录到模拟磁带在多个饱和度级别 (通过 Studer A820),以及通过老式 SP 1200 取样器和精品高端模拟加工链。革命的独特的 '字符' 旋钮允许您为每个个别的鼓机模块拨到所需的字符。想要原始的探测,真实的原始 808 低音鼓吗?想要模拟的磁带饱和 909 小军鼓吗?怎么样坚韧不拔的 SP-1200年处理 Linndrum 拍吗?革命使成为可能 !


革命的功能令人咋舌的高端的影响、 筛选器和动态处理器套件。为你鼓与革命的美妙动听双混响模块-挤满 160 自定义高端冲动从标志性混响单位如词汇 300 升,AKGBX20 春、 AMS RMX16 和许多其他一起精彩声房间从世界类工作室,与多个麦克风位置记录添加空间。与革命的模拟风格独特过滤器和信封将定义添加到您的鼓。瞬变的塑造者,情商,压缩机提高字符和语气和磁带饱和 — — 每个可用独立,每鼓音!控制你的动力学与革命的硕士学位的影响模块,或扭曲的声音湮没在建立双通道滞。