CG数据库 >> 音效下载Kirk Hunter Studios Concert Strings 2 KONTAKT

音效下载Kirk Hunter Studios Concert Strings 2 KONTAKT的图片1

Kirk Hunter Studios Concert Strings 2 KONTAKT | 17.7 Gb

The Concert Strings 2 library is designed for ultimate musical expression, playability and flexibility. Our biggest objective when putting this collection together was to give you something that sounds good RIGHT NOW, out-of-the-box without wasting a lot of time tweaking, and to give you the fastest workflow possible. You will not find a better sounding, more playable and easy to use 32GB string library at this price.

This library was recorded in Hollywood, California, and done so quite "dry" so you don't have to worry about having too much ambience in the samples. With Concert Strings 2, you're not limited in the size of the section. You get 4 different sizes ranging from solos, to a huge symphonic section. And of course, you can easily blend them to get your own personal sound.

柯克猎人工作室音乐会字符串 2 开播 |17.7 Gb

音乐会字符串 2 库旨在为最终的音乐表现力,可玩性和灵活性。我们的最大目的时放此集合在一起是给你一些东西,现在听起来很好,开箱不会浪费大量的时间调整,并给你最快的工作流可能。你不会找到更好的探测、 更可播放和易于使用 32 GB 的字符串库以这样的价格。

这个库是记录在好莱坞,加利福尼亚州,和做得像"干",所以你不必担心有太多的样品中的氛围。与音乐会字符串 2,你也不用再局限在部分的大小。你从独奏,到一个巨大的交响断面的 4 不同尺寸。当然,你可以轻松地融入他们得到你自己个人的声音。