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音效下载Myloops ReOrder Producer Sample Pack WAV Ableton Cubase Logic FL Studio Projects的图片1

Myloops ReOrder Producer Sample Pack WAV Ableton Cubase Logic FL Studio Projects | 798 Mb

ReOrder teams up with Myloops once again to bring us his excellent Producer Sample Pack. This 600+MB Sample Library is dedicated to Trance Music Production. You’ll find large sets of FX, drum sounds (claps, snares, hats, kicks, cymbals) and bassline kits, all ready to use in your productions. This library includes some of ReOrder’s key signature sounds used in his releases on labels such as Black Hole Recordings, FSOE and Who’s Afraid of 138. The library also includes brand new trance sounds that are bound to find a place in your next uplifting, progressive or psy trance productions.

Everything you hear in the audio demo is made with samples from this package, and a couple presets from ReOrder’s Spire soundset. Inside the package, you’ll get the library of 584 samples, and you’ll also get the 2 DAW demo projects as heard in the audio demo, included as projects for Ableton Live, Cubase, FL Studio and Logic Pro. As you can hear in the audio demo, the first project is uplifting trance (this one uses Spire for melodic elements) and the second one is psy trance (this one is entirely sample based). The demo projects will help you get started in using the samples and will get you inspired for your own tracks. Get this together with ReOrder’s Spire soundset, and you’ll have the ultimate weapon for creating uplifting trance music.

Product Details:

603 MB Library of Professional Trance Samples

584 audio files in total

All samples are clearly named and categorized. They include :

162 Bass, 36 Claps, 21 Crash, 31 FX Claps, 101 FX Shots, 21 Snares, 36 Hats, 104 Kicks, 21 Reverse Crash Cymbals, and 51 Snares

12 Bonus Presets for Spire (from ReOrder Trance Spire Soundset)

Produced by ReOrder (FSOE, Black Hole Recordings, Who’s Afraid Of 138)

Only useful & modern presets, no fillers

2 Demo Projects included for Ableton Live – 1 Trance & 1 Psy Trance (100% royalty free)

2 Demo Projects included for Cubase – 1 Trance & 1 Psy Trance (100% royalty free)

2 Demo Projects included for Logic Pro- 1 Trance & 1 Psy Trance (100% royalty free)

2 Demo Projects included for FL Studio – 1 Trance & 1 Psy Trance (100% royalty free)

Myloops 重新排序生产者样品包 WAV Ableton Cubase 逻辑 FL Studio 项目 |798 mb

向上重新排序队与 Myloops 再一次为我们带来他优秀的制片人样品包。这 600 + MB 样本库致力于恍惚音乐制作。你会发现大量的外汇,鼓的声音 (掌声、 陷阱、 帽子、 踢、 钹) 和低音和声工具包,都准备好了要在你的作品中使用。此库包含一些在他的版本中如黑洞录音,FSOE 标签上使用的重新排序的键签名声音和 138 怕是谁。图书馆还包括全新注定要找一个地方在你下一个令人振奋的渐进的恍惚声音或 psy 恍惚生产。

你听到在音频演示的一切都是用从该包中,样品和几个预设从重新排序的尖顶 soundset。封装内,你会得到的 584 样品库,您还将获得 2 位听到在音频的演示中,将列为项目 Live,Cubase,佛罗里达工作室和逻辑 Pro 的昂山演示项目。正如你可以听到在音频演示,第一个项目是令人振奋的恍惚 (这一使用尖顶的旋律元素) 和第二个是 psy 恍惚 (这是完全基于样本)。演示项目将帮助您开始使用样品,会给你启发你自己的足迹。这一起重新排序的尖顶 soundset,和你得创造令人振奋的迷幻音乐的终极武器。


603 MB 图书馆专业恍惚的样品

584 音频文件总数


162 低音、 36 掌声、 21 崩溃、 31 FX 掌声、 101 FX 镜头、 21 网罗、 36 帽子、104 踢、 铙钹反向崩溃 21 和 51 陷阱

12 奖金预设为尖顶 (从重新排序恍惚尖顶的 Soundset) 的

产生的重新排序 (FSOE,黑洞录音,怕 138)

只有有用 & 现代预设,无填料

2 演示项目包括 Live — — 1 恍惚 & 1 Psy 恍惚 (100%免版税)

2 演示项目包括为 Cubase-1 恍惚 & 1 Psy 恍惚 (100%免版税)

2 演示项目包括逻辑 Pro-1 恍惚 & 1 Psy 恍惚 (100%免版税)

2 演示项目包括佛罗里达工作室 — — 1 恍惚 & 1 Psy 恍惚 (100%免版税)