CG数据库 >> Maya流体学习


Duration Project 4h 52m Files Included MP4

Maya Fluid Fundamentals


Have you ever had a wish to master the art of fluid dynamics of Maya? If so, this course is a perfect choice for you to began with. In this course, Maya Fluid Fundamentals, you’ll learn the basics of Maya fluids and will collect the knowledge to create stunning visual effects. First, you’ll learn the most basic and effective techniques of understanding the concepts of fluid dynamics in Maya. Next, you’ll explore all the important fluid content details with detailed explanations to attributes and will explore the techniques of creating stunning fire, wispy-smoke, large-dense-smoke, and explosions. Finally, when you have understood the concepts of fluid containers and emitters, it’s time to use them for production. When you are finished with this course, you’ll have finally collected the confidence to proceed towards the art of creating your own fluid effects. Software required: Maya 2017.

持续时间项目 4 h 52 m 文件包括 MP4



你曾经想要掌握的流体动力学的玛雅艺术吗?如果是这样,这门课程是你开始的绝佳选择。在此过程中,玛雅流体的基本面,你会学习玛雅流体的基础知识和将收集的知识来创造令人惊叹的视觉效果。首先,您将学习的最基本和最有效的技术的理解玛雅的流体动力学的概念。接下来,您可以探索所有的重要流体内容细节详细解释到属性,并将探索创建令人惊叹的火、 飘渺烟、 大--浓烟和爆炸的技术。最后,当你明白了流体容器和排放的概念,它是用于生产的时间。当您完成本课程,你最后会收集有信心着手创建您自己的流体效果的艺术。所需软件︰ 玛雅 2017年。