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Audio Imperia Hank Drum Exp 1 Cinematic Motion KONTAKT | 1.5 Gb

AUDIO IMPERIA's “Hank Drum Exp 01: Cinematic Motions” is the next instrument in our series of instruments produced by Bryan Leach. Hank Drum Exp 01: Cinematic Motions is an independent addition to the Hank Drum family and aims at creating rhythmic landscapes, crisp percussive sounds and interesting sonic ideas that inspire.

All of the loops, stems and one shots were created from the original Hank Drum source material. Bryan is a master at mangling and mixing sounds into something completely new. He converted the already fantastic source audio into over 1900 samples of driving and compelling sonic material. Hank Drum Exp 01: Cinematic Motions is split into two main sets of sections. The Bonus section and the main Construction Kits.

Bonus - Construction Kits (bonus motions in 65bpm, 75bpm, 100bpm, 110bpm)

Bonus - Designed Drums

Bonus - Human Loops 110bpm

Bonus - Human Loops 130bpm

音频 Imperia 汉克鼓 Exp 1 电影运动开播 |1.5 Gb

音频 IMPERIA"汉克鼓 Exp 01︰ 电影运动"是我们的文书由 Bryan Leach 系列的下一文书。汉克鼓 Exp 01︰ 电影运动是旨在于创造节奏的风景,清脆的撞击声和激发的有趣声波想法与汉克鼓家庭独立加入。

所有的循环、 茎和一个镜头都被由原始的汉克鼓源材料。布莱恩是重整和混合的声音到了全新的高手。他已经神奇源音频转化为 1900 年的驾驶和令人信服的声波材料样品。汉克鼓 Exp 01︰ 电影动作被分成两组主要的部分。奖金部分和主要施工工具包。

奖金-建设工具包 (65bpm、 75bpm、 100bpm、 110bpm 奖金动作)


奖金-人类循环 110bpm

奖金-人类循环 130bpm