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音效下载Triggersoniq BadAsStation KONTAKT-0TH3Rside的图片1

0TH3Rside | Jan 11 2017 | 3.28 GB

A modern classic bass synthesizer in Kontakt format, which can faithfully reproduce analog bass sounds similar to a TB-303, Micromoog or Pro One synthesizer. The design and monophonic architecture set this virtual instrument up for strict bass line, lead synth lines, and synth fx.

Originally launched in 1993, Bass Station’s roaring oscillators and glowing analogue signal path defined numberless dance and electronic hits. With the help of advance sampling technology, the iconic sound of the modern classic is now ready as a Kontakt instrument.

The highly tweakable little monster can create a wide range of sound, from deep fat bass, screeching leads to special effect. The mix of refined original and stunning fresh sounds create the warmth and resonance which is absent in today’s digital synths.

The Triggersoniq team has recreated the TB-303 influenced portable bass synthesizer. Painstakingly modeled over a three-month period, capturing the behavior of the original hardware; from the filter frequency range, to the pulsating LFO effect. The original unit used a pair of digitally controlled analogue oscillators (DCOs) with pulse, square and sawtooth waveforms, plus an LFO with random, triangle and sawtooth waveforms which replicated the sound of a monophonic twin- oscillator analogue synth. According to wikipedia, there are some famous users including William Ørbit, Massive Attack, Orbital, Nine Inch Nails, Radiohead and Underworld.

0TH3Rside |2017 年 1 月 11 日 |3.28 GB

现代经典低音合成器在开播格式,可以忠实地再现模拟低音听起来类似于结核病 303、 Micromoog 或临一个合成器。设计和单声道架构设置的虚拟仪器为严格的低音线、 铅 synth 线条和 synth fx。

最初于 1993 年推出,低音站咆哮振荡器和发光的模拟信号路径定义无数舞蹈和电子命中。提前采样技术的帮助下,现代经典的标志性声音是现在准备好作为一开播文书。


Triggersoniq 团队已重新创建结核病 303 影响便携式低音合成器。煞费苦心地在三个月期间,捕获的原始硬件; 行为建模从筛选器的频率范围,到脉动的低频振荡效应。原单位用于模拟数字控制振荡器 (中方) 一双脉冲、 广场和锯齿波形,再加上随机振荡、 三角形和锯齿波形,其中复制单声道的双振荡器模拟合成器的声音。根据维基百科,有一些著名的用户包括威廉 Ørbit、 大规模攻击、 轨道、 九寸钉,电台司令乐队和黑社会。