CG数据库 >> 音效下载Audiority Kontakt Total Bundle KONTAKT

音效下载Audiority Kontakt Total Bundle KONTAKT的图片1

Audiority Kontakt Total Bundle KONTAKT | 2.66 Gb

“Audiority Kontakt Total Bundle” is a huge collection of sample libraries that covers everything from classic/retro electronics and sound design sources, to more familiar pianos and and exotic ethnic instruments. This bundle includes ALL the Audiority Kontakt sample libraries released so far and covers so much ground you’ll probably find a use for it in almost any genre of music!

8 Products With 3GB+ of Samples and 500 Patches!

From huge, shaking 808 kicks and basses to Abstract Ethreal Textures. From Epic Pig Guiros (no really!) to a Caribbean Deep Bass Kalimba, this epic collection of Kontakt libraries has it all! “Kontakt Total Bundle” by Audiority is a veritable Swiss army knife of sound sources that offers so many musical possibilities you’ll find yourself lost for hours just exploring it’s hidden depths! Every single instrument in this collection is unique and the vast majority of them offer a wide selection of both basic patches as well as more exotic/processed variations, all designed to bring instant inspiration to hard working producers, composers and sound designers!

NB. Requires the full version of Kontakt 5.5 or higher. Not compatible with Kontakt Player. Standalone WAV samples are included in each sample library also.


Abstract Textures KE

Analog Drawbars

Epic Pig Guiro


Pills #1 - Metal Leads

Pills #2 - Synth Strings

The Modular Piano

808 Battleship

Audiority 开播总捆绑开播 |2.66 Gb

"Audiority 开播总捆绑"是巨大的收集样本库,涵盖了从经典与怀旧电子和音效设计来源,更熟悉的钢琴和异国风情的民族乐器。这种捆绑包括释放到目前为止的所有 Audiority 开播样本库,并且涵盖了这么多的地面,你可能会使用它在几乎任何风格的音乐 !

3 GB + 的样品和 500 的修补程序的 8 产品 !

从巨大,摇晃 808 踢和低音到抽象 Ethreal 纹理。从史诗猪 Guiros (真的不行了!) 到加勒比深低音风笛,这史诗般的开播库集合已说明了一切 !"开播共捆绑包"由 Audiority 是名副其实的瑞士军刀声源,提供了很多音乐的可能性,你会发现自己失去了几个小时只探索它深藏不露 !此集合中的每种乐器是独一无二的其中绝大多数提供种类繁多的基本修补程序以及更多的异国情调/处理变化,目的都是要给辛苦工作生产者、 作曲家和声音设计者带来即时的灵感 !

NB。需要完整版的开播 5.5 或更高。与开播播放机不兼容。独立 WAV 样本也包含在每个样本库中。




史诗般的猪 Guiro


丸 #1-金属主角

丸 #2-Synth 字符串


808 战舰