CG数据库 >> 音效下载Dan Dean Signature Bass Collection KONTAKT

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Dan Dean Signature Bass Collection KONTAKT | 2.74 Gb

This collection, exclusive to Audio plugin Deals, features 5 different bass guitar libraries, each with its own distinctive sound. These instruments have been sampled in incredible detail using Accusample™ technology. It’s a painstaking process making sure all the samples sound extremely consistent with ultra-low noise floors. It takes days and days just to sample an instrument this smoothly and evenly.

Each instrument features multiple dynamics and round robin variations. Every bass has up to 34 different preset timbres… and these aren’t just emulations in Kontakt. In most cases, the signal chain includes classic outboard amps and cabinets which have been sampled for ultimate realism. The libraries also include interface controls for effects and performance to further tweak the sounds. With all these options for customization, these libraries will give the perfect tone not just for jazz projects, but for all musical genres

5 bass guitar instruments for Kontakt 5.5.2 and above

3.09GB in size

4040+ samples

24 bit sampling

Up to 7 dynamic layers

Up to 4 round robin variations

Up to 34 different preset timbres per bass instrument

“Supertuned” using Peterson Strobosoft™

Accusample™ technology

Distortion & amplifier cabinet presets

Interface performance and effects controls

Key Features

Very high quality basses

Accusample technology™

A huge number of samples, as many as 1,461 per instrument

Programmed using 4 round robins of every note on the instrument

24 bit sampling

“Supertuned” using Peterson Strobosoft™

A wide assortment of amplifiers via both IR and using Kontakt’s built in tools*

Distortion presets*

Distortion + amplifier cabinet presets*

Chorus presets*

丹院长签名低音集合开播 |2.74 Gb

此集合,独家音频插件交易,设有 5 个不同的低音吉他图书馆,每一个都有它自己独特的声音。这些文书有令人难以置信的详细使用 Accusample™ 技术被取样。它是一个艰苦的过程,确保所有的样品听起来非常符合超低噪音楼层。它需要天和天只是来样乐器这平稳、 均匀。

每台仪器设有多个动力学和循环变化。每个低音达 34 不同预设的音色......,这些都不是只是仿真中开播。在大多数情况下,信号链包括经典的外置放大器和被取样的终极现实主义的橱柜。图书馆还包括界面控件的效果和性能,以进一步调整声音。所有这些选项进行自定义,这些库将给完美色调不只是为爵士乐的项目,但所有音乐类型

5 低音吉他文书开播 5.5.2 及以上

在大小 3.09 GB

4040 + 样品

24 位采样

达 7 动态层

达 4 轮循机制变化

由 34 不同预设每低音乐器的音色

"Supertuned"使用 Peterson Strobosoft™

Accusample™ 技术





Accusample 技术™

大量的样本,多达每台仪器 1,461

编程仪上使用的每个音符的 4 轮罗宾斯

24 位采样

"Supertuned"使用 Peterson Strobosoft™

各种各样的放大器通过红外和使用开播的内置工具 *

失真预设 *

失真 + 放大器柜预设 *

合唱预设 *